It was in my spam folder on gmail. I've gotten previous messages, so I think it was the content that got flagged.
I suspect a mass mailing containing the words "tits" "ass" and "hairy bush" probably didn't help it slip through the spam filters.
I received it in my regular email account. Far from it being a Hail Mary pass, I think it is a good low cost way to reach out to people whom have proven in the past to have an interest in the site. Better news, Three Doors Down just announced a concert near my city for the month of August. My kids (and I) have never seen them before and they have had it on their list to see someday. Win.
Received it in my regular Hotmail in box. What caught my eye was the part about Scootah. Although, if he is gone, I'm sure the anal hook and rope had something to do with it.
So this kid was swimming in a lake about a half hour drive from where I live and was infected by a brain eating amoeba. Yes, you read that right. A fucking amoeba that swims up your nose and proceeds to eat your brain until you are dead. Sounds like he lasted about a week. Makes me want to go for a swim.
I will up that ante. We have flesh eating bacteria in the ocean. FLESH EATING BACTERIA. In the salty, vast ocean. These guys can survive in the salt just so they can eats your skin. Happy swimming, folks.
My daughter was at a camp last week and spent a lot of time in the lake. This week she has been experiencing cold like symptoms and whenever she tells me her throat is scratchy all I can think about is stories like that.
Anyone on the board play DoTA 2? I know we have a group of LoL players, but wasnt sure if anyone played and wanted to get a 5-man group going.
So I have another Tinder date tomorrow. This one is both super cute and really into me for some reason, which makes me suspicious. I guess what I'm saying here is if any of you are scheduled for organ transplants on Sunday, well, the joke's on you - enjoy your hepatitis.
Reddit CEO Ellen Pao is out Don't piss of the internet nerds
Havroni by Gilead cures it in 12 weeks for the low, low price of $84,000. Trading at $114, price targets at $130-$150. By all means, get hepatitis. Please. Share, SHARE. My friend's latest tinder girl is looking for a husband in a bad way. She's not even stealthy about it. The ticking of her biological clock can be heard from space. She also has resting bitch face like she stole Renee Zellweger's skin and had some back alley doctor staple gun it on. Pretty big fake tits though.
Tinder may be the third best way of getting an STD just behind barebacking a hooker and sorority girl
Wait a second... people still use hotmail?? Like, that's still a thing? And here I thought yahoo was the next closest thing to geocities. Next thing you know people are gonna be linking to their myspace profiles on here.
I actually went on myspace a few weeks ago to find some old conversations. They updated the site a while ago and deleted everything but your pictures. Since the old shitty self picked backgrounds didn't make the cut it is cleaner but still sucks major ass. Also watching Bill and Ted's Bogus Journey. A great sequel. "Dude, we're in heaven and we just mugged three people!"
Here's what gets on my nerves about family fwtogethers lately, "oh your beother? He was so quirky like a rodeo clown or a court jester . It's better to be like that than someone. (Like you) who's along the normal bell curve right?" My brother was not a rodeo clown or court jester. He was a real boy with real problems. He had real depression and real anxiety that he dudsnt want anyone to know about, not even his wife. I know things about that kid that I will carry to my grave because they were so depressing . So please forgive me if I don't i indulge in these movies that only paint a very small part of him.