That is because with Apple you need iTunes for everything. With anything else you don't. Switching is such a pain in the ass, but worth it.
If people wanted to get drunk and exercise at the same time they would join a softball team. You also get the bonus of watching the men who take the game WAY too seriously throw freak outs when they lose and yell at their own girlfriends for swinging at a ball that was slightly outside. It's comedy of the highest order.
I dont get this shit at all. Maybe its the asthma talking but that much pedaling would kill any buzz before it starts.
I'm a lazy drinker and dislike most drinking games because they involve more effort and thought than just sitting down and drinking. A Pedal Pub? Way too much effort.
Yeah...I'd have to pass on that. If I'm drinking and hanging out, I'm doing that. If I'm working out, I'm doing that. No mixing for this alcoholic! When we were in Nashville we saw about a dozen of those things with really young bachelorette groups. They looked dumb.
Just pick the seat over the wheel. There's no pedals there. Drinking while everyone ELSE works their ass off. Win/win.
The number of my coworkers that are still working at 9PM is really pissing me off. They aren't doing anything important, and their work is completely inconsequential in the big picture of the company, but these pathetic fucking people don't have anything at all else going on in their lives, so they're sending me emails about how many decimal places we should be rounding off the fucking underwear inventory to. No decimal places you stupid sack of shit. We can't ship half a pair of panties to the fucking store. I swear to God, if I still work here by the end of the summer I'm going to deep-throat a shotgun.
Just spent 4 days at an AP conference learning to teach an AP class. Decent course, but four days of commuting from Indiana to Chicago can suck my balls. Fuck I hate driving in that city. Love the city itself and once I'm there I can just wander for hours finding shit to look at and do, but driving is terrible. An hour and a half commute. 45 minutes to get near the city, and 45 minutes to go the last 4 miles. At least I have my first month planned and prepped for both my classes next year. Now to drink!
If you're still there at the end of the Summer, just start shipping half panties. Wait. Right / left half or top / bottom?
As much as I love the cottage, deer flies are the Richard Ramirez of the Canadian wilderness. Goddamn these suckers can peel you open.
Is anyone else feeling this heat right now? all of outdoors feels like a fat-guy's armpit. ive taken 2 cold showers, all totally usless.
There has to be a special place in hell for asshole drivers that do 5 mph under the speed limit, holding up a line of traffic, and then speed up just enough to run the yellow light leaving the other 10 people behind them to sit through a 4 minute red traffic light.
Agreed. When that happens to me, I daydream a chapter from a Tom Clancy novel where Mr. Clark tracks them down and teaches them the errors of their ways.
I keep hoping one of these days I'll run up behind one of these assholes at the next light that they couldn't run yellow because they were driving so fucking slow. My truck has 4 low and enough power for 2 vehicles, even if one of them is standing on their brakes...I'll just ease them right the fuck into the middle of the intersection.
Its nice to see we still carefully contemplate murder on this board. I will never, EVER tire of it. I have noting against Ed Sheeran as a musician, but he is one silly-looking motherfucker. Ed: You got good tunes. However....I don't know if you were washed in hot too many times, but something is wrong when the Muppet version of you in your video looks more like you than YOU do.