News flash. Almost all truly talented musicians are the goofy looking or socially awkward people that were shunned by the "cool kids" when they were in school. Instead of going out and getting addicted to pussy at parties, they were at home putting in their 10k hours to become masters of their trades.
I feel like I'm missing the boat on the whole Amy Schumer thing. I've seen several of her bits, and I'll admit she gets a chuckle out of me once in a while, but am I missing something here?
I enjoy Amy Schumer. Her Milk Milk Lemonade song is such an ear worm. Plus, booty. My kid has developed the most disconcerting habit of staring me in the soul while she takes a shit. It's unnerving.
I, for one, am really bummed that the Austin Cobra is dead. Gotta pour some out for my homey tonight.
You know, if you're going to do a TV show aimed at car guys, you should maybe know what you're talking about. I started to watch Cuban Chrome on The Discovery Channel about car guys in Cuba. One of the guys has a '32 Ford 3 window. The announcer said it was a 1934 Ford Model A. Seriously. (For those of you not into cars, Model A's are '28-'31 Fords. And obviously a 1932 is not a 1934, they're not even close.)
For those of you, like me, who had no idea what the fuck she was talking about:
I am off to see The American Band tonight. Yep this old fossil is going to go see "Grand Funk Railroad". For all you kiddies, these guys were the biggest show is Rock and Roll in the very late 60s early 70s. Now they are a staple of Casinos and County Fairs. Regardless, I am going to go listen to some "Footstompin Music". I am off to Monterey first thing in the morning to watch the World Superbike US round. I will be sure to have a beer and pinch an umbrella girls ass just for you Nett.
Oh good. I've got another Twitter stalker. It happens. Her profile picture looks like a pork chop wearing glasses, lipstick and a Beatles wig. Yay.
I got called for jury duty on Monday. I was supposed to fill out the questionnaire online and tried to log on last night and it won't let me. Okay, no problem I'll just manually fill out the sheet and take it with me. Except with that route I was supposed to mail it in right away. On the upside, I'm getting paid $9/day and .$17 per mile for travel. I don't even know where I'm going to spend all that money! I'll have to make a list or something. Oh, and I got a speeding ticket the other day. Fucker was waiting at the bottom of a hill. At least he was kind enough to change it to a moving violation so it was less money and no points on the license. Shitty couple of days.
Anyone know how to strip video from a YouTube file? I've been trying to find a copy of the band Bad4good's album and someone uploaded it to YouTube, but I don't need the bullshit video. Not familiar with Bad4good? They were a bunch of kids...the oldest was 16 (Some kid from Salute Your Shorts on vocals) and the guitarist was a 12 year old virtuoso named Thomas McRocklin. Seriously, watch this. It'll blow your mind. 12-16 year old kids.
What's your platform? I have a program called "YouTube to MP3" and it takes the audio from a video and downloads it to my iTunes. Love it for older shit I can't find.
I got a letter for jury duty and melted down. I actually cried when I read it. I asked advice from everyone (including a lawyer) on how to get out of it and most of the advice would end with me on felonious charges. Eventually I filled out the form telling the absolute truth; I work nights and sleep days. I would have to leave my house at the time I normally sleep, therefore foggy. I have tremors and anxiety. Leaving my bubble and having to navigate DOWNTOWN ON PUBLIC TRANSIT , on zero sleep, to an environment I've scared of...I would end up on the news for freak out level. Yeah, I got a letter back excusing me from the process and I'm certain I'll never be asked again.
Well, this most recent tinder date went extremely well. On the one hand she's maybe kind of young for me (on the limit of the half your age plus 7 rule). On the other hand, it's a very good-looking human female who's into me, and it's not like I'm in a position to be picky about these things.
I just got 5 pounds of gummy bears as an early birthday present. 30 may have sucked, but 31 is shaping up to be a LOT better.
Another day another year older, this birthday was better than some not as good as others but life ain't so bad. Beer is fantastic though.
My kids got an Xbox1 from their dad. Awesome - I'm glad he's spoiling them a bit because they definitely deserve it. They're great kids. But goddamn if navigating microsofts parental controls doesn't make me want to flip tables. Also - Thank you all for the well wishes. After the past year - this week has been one of the best in our lives. So thank you.