Oh man. He will hear nothing but Footlong jokes for 5 years in prison. Well, jokes in between the brutal, demoralizing sexual torture. He looks exactly like a member of NAMBLA would. Plus Subway sucks. It's all iceberg lettuce, the worst lettuce of them all.
Everyone is jumping to the conclusion that it's kiddie porn, but all I've been able to find thus far is: The head of a foundation he started was busted for kiddie porn a few months ago. So, maybe? Maybe, he's actually an ISIS terrorist too.
Somebody has cravings for chocolate Pudding Pops. I'm still trying to figure out who was selling Luudes in 2005, and if they have any more.
Of course it surprises me... it's not like I look at everyone and think, "well, there goes another pedo-freak".
Well, you know what they say. If you sit down at a table and can't spot the pedo-freak, it means you're the pedo-freak.
Jared must have been lying to us about his favorite sandwich being a 6 inch turkey on wheat, when it was really 35 year old meat between 6 year old buns.
I'm betting Jared walks away from this. More likely it's just this guy who was working with him had some shit and they're just checking all those connected. Because Jared probably new about it. What are the chances two pedos are besties and work together?
Something something Father Michael Fitzpatrick and Father Patrick Flannigan. I'm with Nett, though, Crown. I know nothing about Jared other than the Subway commercials. What were the obvious signs you've seen all these years that you aren't surprised he's being accused of this? (if he is) And, if it was so obvious to you, why didn't you warn the parents of the children he was speaking to regularly?
In reality, it's probably just a cautionary step because the Directory of his (Jared) Foundation was found in possession of child porn. Jared is detained, outside his house, but not under arrest, while they do forensic examinations of his computers in a van in his driveway. As soon as they found/saw anything incriminating he'd be hauled off in cuffs, and it'd be all over the twitterverse. The police have now let him leave with his lawyer. As it is, according to the search warrant information, the tie to Jared was a business file found on the thumb drive that contained some child porn... so basically, the Director of his Foundation was using the same thumb drive to shuttle child porn and work files between work and home. Seems like a pretty weak link to Jared, if you ask me. So yeah, who knows, but we could just give him the benefit of the doubt.
And, even more so, I'm pretty sure when they found the child porn that guy was already the ex-Director of the Foundation.
Will be interesting to see if Subway summarily cuts ties with him to avoid any potential nastiness. People have been excommunicated in the public eye for much much less.
Interestingly enough this morning's Adam Carolla Podcast talked about some stuff like that, where blatantly false allegations or the sharp outcry from SJWs have totally ruined people's lives without any remorse or consequence. More and more I'm losing respect for people and organizations that "play it safe" for fear of offending a few people. For instance, why the fuck is this even news? It's not... it's weapons grade snooping and gossiping.
People have a bad habit of presuming guilt, even people who think they're smart, happens all the time. The smartest people sit on the sidelines and assume neither guilt nor innocence and let things play out. Anyone know anything about the way Russian courts work? I do, over there, they arrest you and the judge is the prosecutor and your guilt is assumed until you either overwhelmingly pay them enough or,..., I think thats the only way to get out of something over there.
Are you guys seriously this stupid? If you can't see that Quizno's orchestrated this from the start, then I actually feel sorry for you.
Way to cut off that social media uproar before it ever existed, you mindless fucking drones. I wonder how long it'll be before this kind of action is included in their contracts... "SUBWAY will not take any kneejerk reaction to speculation and supposition, and will only be allowed to take actions that are potentially damaging to my client's image based on fact, not social media gossip".