I mean, if they find child porn on his computer, fuck him. But even if they don't, that stink will be on him forever. There is just no recovering from this type of thing. Even with a potential lawsuit against subway if his name gets cleared won't do much to fix this. The erosion of due process in this country by way of the social justice warrior is fucking gross. The media is also to blame because they really aren't making too much of an effort to give him a fair shot. Even if he is found to be totally clean in this, they will still crucify him for having associated with someone in the past who did have CP.
People aren't interested in fair shots, they are interested in piling on. Remember Richard Jewel from the Atlanta Games bombing? He was crucified the world over because he was the accused. He was a guard who found a pipe bomb and cleared the area saving many lives yet the entire planet said he --a hero-- was the killer. Trial by media. Tones of people STILL thought he was guilty even after being exonerated by the FBI! Meanwhile it was actually some racist pro-life cock who fit the profile to a T. I really don't know if this Jerod guy is in trouble at all, the media feeds are saying something different every hour. I do regard him as the single worst and most obnoxious commercial pitchman in human history and I want to take a shower every time I see his image, so I won't miss seeing him on TV regardless. But you are right: this won't end good for him, no matter what.
Yeah, the first one was a joke, that's allowed right? -- try and convince me he's NOT creepy-looking. I'm not the only one who thinks that.
I feel like every Weekend Drunk Thread has at least one post where Crown is giddy over the possibility that a C-list celebrity might get raped in prison.
Poor ratings moved in to Wednesdays on TLC. They sandwiched it between "Cannibal Retard Family" and "I Married My Parrot".
I feel like "I Married My Parrot" really fell off after season 6. To be expected after the departure of Corey Haim, but still.
Good Call either that or his PR person was reading this thread http://deadspin.com/deandre-johnsons-lawyer-woman-who-was-punched-used-rac-1716316726
So last year I wrote and successfully passed an examination to get a special qualification in travel medicine. 4 other people I know - 2 of whom I currently work with - sat the same exam a few weeks ago and they all failed. I kind of maybe have a raging hard-on about this.
So the entire NY Stock Exchange has been frozen. Apparently 100% of the population believe the culprit is a character Tom Hardy played in a comic book movie.
Did you rub that shit in their fucking faces like a responsible adult? In a competitive field, it's always good to assert dominance.
I think if I was as wealthy as Chris Paul, Dwayne Wade and Lebron I would find something a little more exciting to do on vacation than ride on a banana boat.