All the talk of vicious animals is reminding me of this:
Wolverines. Pleasure-killers with jaws more powerful than a steel trap. Can fight off PACKS of wolves single-handed. Branded the most vicious animal alive THEY FUCKING HUNT AND KILL BALD EAGLES. Walking nightmares. Coming across a moody one is a death sentence.
Growing up on my parents' farm we had labs that always wanted us to know when they killed a wild animal. The yard almost constantly had some grisly collection of dead raccoons, rabbits, opossum, etc. Now they've got shepherds that don't have as much of a retrieving instinct, and they don't have livestock so there isn't as much grain to attract wildlife.
So fuck badgers, wolverines, tigers, lions etc. The most dangerous animal in the world is actually the mosquito. I've actually had west nile before, and it dam near killed me, seriously. In high school I was out of school for a solid month and was barely strong enough to return when I did. Really scary stuff.
I've watched one raccoon whoop the ass of two 75ish pound coon hounds. You get a big ole sow on the ground and backed up with nowhere to go... that bitch is going to unleash some hell on those dogs. Yes, I have hunted coons. No, I never ate them. We always gave them to an older fella that loved to eat them.
Yeah my grandpa's golden retrievers would fuck up anything they came across. I don't think they'd let anything live unless it made it up into a tree, then we'd have to get a gun so my grandpa could kill it. My grandpa's prized golden Molly was a natural born hunter and never let anything get by her. I remember one time seeing her emptying a nest of hatchling robins just because she couldn't resist retrieving birds. Shouldn't have made a nest that low to the ground suckas! In other semi related news I made and ate liver and onions for the first time out of the liver of one of my deer. It was, different. Never having had liver before I can see why it's not hugely popular. I am going to make pate out of the other half and a bunch of chicken fat Ive been saving up.
Liver has to be the gamiest, cheapest-tasting meat there is. It tastes like it shouldn't be food, but people like my dad love liver and onions. EATING DISORDER? NO SUCH THING YOU'LL EAT YER LIVER N ONIONS AND LIKE IT THEY'LL MAKE YUH FUCKIN REGULAR
Careful with the chicken fat. Liver is really rich and doesn't need much help. I just made some chicken liver pate. Seared the livers. Threw a finely chopped shallot and 3 cloves of minced garlic into the pan with a bit of oil. Deglazed with 1/2 cup of marsala fortified wine (brandy or whiskey would work). Let it reduce to near syrup. Threw everything in the food processor with about an ounce of heavy cream. Turned out pretty damn good. If you have a couple roasted mushrooms throw them in there too. I would have loved to have had a few truffle slices to incorporate into the pate. Otherwise, liver is disgusting. Well, fried chicken livers aren't that bad. Tripe and heart are a lot better. This conversation is making hungry for duck pate.
I've done plenty of coon hunting. Most of the time, they're dead by the time they hit the ground. Even if you miss, getting shot tends to take a lot of the fight out of them so the dogs tend to get the better of the deal. There was one time the dogs tracked one into a hollowed out log. Here was a 6' hollow log with a scared, angry coon in the middle and a dog or two at each end. We ended up having to bust up the log and then all hell broke loose. Luckily, we had a great lead dog who was also a great kill dog. She got straight on the coon's throat before any of the other ones could get into the scrap, but the sound of that confrontation was something out of a horror movie.
Re: Re: 3/1/14 WDT NSFW Chicken and Turkey gizzards to me are way better than fried livers, fried hearts are pretty tasty too. Dammit now I want gizzards.
The only time I've dealt with 'coons or possums fighting dogs is when we surprised one in a barn or loft, and naturally the dogs were with us too. Not fun. I haven't yet witnessed a scrap while actually hunting them with dogs, although I have only done that a few times. We just shine them, a guy I know hunts them with calls like a coyote or fox and that sounds like fun too. I just don't do liver. I've thought about saving the liver from the most recent deer I've shot but after having beef liver and pate a few times and really giving it a try, I don't think I'll bother. It's the texture and the taste seems off too. It was mentioned in a previous WTD but on the other hand, the heart is a great "other" meat. You think my dog would be nice to me after I was kind enough to forget locking his kennel door shut this morning, but instead he thanked me by rooting through the trash. Oh no that wasn't enough, he had to shit on the living room floor too and already took another dump since I let him out at noon. Now I'm babysitting him so he doesn't have trash shits all over the house and he has awful gas.
My dog is now 2. I still have to cage him when I leave because there is zero trust between us. I can leave him out for as little as 10 minutes and he will destroy something. Maybe a small as paper towel, or he will knock the lid off the trash and spread it around the living room. Either way, he gets caged. Maybe he's getting back at me.
I could swear that I am in a library right now. Why are these two loudmouth neckbeards talking in full volume eight feet away from me about their stupid online game? I am about to throw somebody out the fucking window here.
My girlfriend was over here on Saturday night and Buck ran up to her, farted, and immediately walked away. She's not the only person that agrees with me on his farts smelling like burning trash. He could cover mine up if they weren't so distinct, and awful. It's infrequent now, only happens when lots of people feed him treats or he gets in the trash, but it's bad. The last two times I forgot about the kennel, I came home and he didn't touch anything. He probably spends all day on the couch (has left his duck on it) when he isn't getting into smelly treasure. As soon as I go downstairs before leaving for work his routine is grabbing his duck or a rope toy, heading into the kennel, and falling asleep. It can be easy to forget about latching the door shut when I'm in a rush because he's so quiet in the morning. He's a two-faced bastard, like a fuzzy Jekyll and Hyde.
Huh, my dog never farts and I don't have to kennel her, even when I'm gone all day. I think this makes her way better than both your dogs combined.
So the my motorcyle just started up without much fuss after not being turned on for 5 months. Its a god dammed miracle. I thought all the cold weather would've killed it. This must be karma returning the the favor for me giving a sick girl a ride home on Tuesday. That or its God himself starting up the bike. Btw, all dogs fart, its science, and they all stink like hell. My dog has crop dusted me several times going up the stairs, he's quite the little asshole.