They do seem sketchy. They have very few flights out of a major New York airport at odd times for bizarrely low prices. It seems like its run by two guys in their basement. I had planned to see Logan tonight, and instead I'm watching the Batman Legi movie. I'm pissed. And this theater smells like rancid popcorn butter.
Maybe they were doing coke together in the bathroom and he was channeling his inner Rick James. That's appropriate, right?
Yep. They are $100-$150 cheaper, sure. But they will charge you for carry-ons. They will charge you to choose a seat. They will charge you for ANYTHING. Not to mention Ive flown them and the plane wasn't clean. And from talking to others, thats not a rare occurrence. I don't love flying Southwest cause of some of the cattle car aspects of it, but at least they are friendly. Spirit makes Southwest feel like flying First Class on the Concorde in comparison. As for the focus, its little shit. I'm stronger and arguably in the best shape of my life at 31, however, my body gets out of alignment and wonky without proper posture and stretching MUCH easier. Its annoying. I also have a couple grey hairs starting on the sides of my head which is stupid as well. Non-physical, I'm far less patient with some social bullshit. I still go out, hell I was out till 530 last Saturday in Hong Kong, but I don't shrug of people being selfish or shitty like I used to. As much as I'm still patently turned off by girls my age who can't wait to get married and stop trying and stop going out, I'm equally turned off by girls in their early to mid 20s who are selfish, unreliable, and flakey as fuck. That used to be table stakes, but now I find myself craving some sort of stability.
Southwest is the only airlines I've never had a single problem with. They've overlooked enough overweight bags for me to buy a few plane tickets. I'm with Jwags, go with one of the main carriers who doesn't nickle and dime you for everything. Unless you are flying without any luggage at all, those "budget" airlines end up being more expensive by the time you get to your destination.
I love Southwest. They have great customer service and I always get all boozed up for free. Seriously, I've had flight attendants tell me to put my drink vouchers back in my purse on multiple occasions. Or they "forget" to swipe my credit card. I've also met a ton of people who work for the company, and they really enjoy it...I think they're good to their employees.
I have a love/hate relationship with southwest. Love- The rewards program, especially if you get enough miles to qualify for a companion pass. The free drink coupons The bags fly free Some flights have wifi Hate- They cram too many damn flights into a small window meaning if one gets delayed the entire day is fucked. I flew southwest 2-4x a week for a few years. My return home flight was delayed by over an hour 80% of the time. I bitched a lot and they usually gave me flight vouchers. I love free flights. No first class. I had chairman status with us airways for a year. I never flew in the back of the bus. I became accustom to first class. Which is why it blew donkey balls when I was put on a project best serviced by southwest.
Don't be pissed. Logan will still be playing in a few weeks and Lego Batman is genuinely funny. And, if you don't agree, the rancid popcorn is to blame.
I'll admit that for an infrequent flier, Southwest is probably the best. But if you fly enough to get any sort of status, even mid level like gold on American or United, I think the pendulum shifts. Stuff like upgrades, free drinks (which isn't exclusive to Southwest, I get a free drink and snack box on any flight), and free bags come along with that. Plus I like having an assigned seat and not having to line up like kindergarteners. I know they have the lanes for other airlines, but fuck that, I just walk up at the end of my section. Also, Wifi is still a perk? Ive not been on a United flight in the last 2-3 years without wifi. And it lets me pay with miles which I sometimes do cause I have so damn many and just earned like 25K more for my last trip to HK. I also flew business class on the way back with an upgrade earned from my travel last year and got a smooth 8 hours of sleep in a lay flat seat. It was heavenly.
So, I had my yearly review at work today. Apparently, I'm a role model for my department (My boss's words, not mine), highly dependable, with an impeccable work ethic. In other words, I'm a high end washing machine that does what it's supposed to without fucking up. My only area for improvement would be to speak up more during meetings. I looked at my boss and told her "Trust me, that would be in neither of our's best interest if I just started randomly speaking up," I'm quiet during meetings because meetings are usually a stupid, pointless circle jerk that waste everyone's time. I'd rather be doing my job.
There are all kinds of crazy. This morning I spotted the "fill my car to the windows with random shit" kind of crazy at the library. I'm now entertaining myself by walking around trying to guess who in here owns this car
I went to the local public library for the first time in 7-8 years the other day just to get out of my house when applying for jobs. Based on the cross set of people I saw there, 90 percent of them looked like they owned a car like the one pictured.
That's so strange. When you see a car packed to the brim with shit like that your first instinct is to think they're moving somewhere, but that's all just random crap. Who the fuck keeps all that yarn in their car?
I woke up this morning. I did a fair bit of work in the shop yesterday cutting up a bunch of 3/4" particle board... throwing 4x8 sheets around all carefree like. My back and shoulder muscles are making me pay dearly for that this morning. I had to stretch in bed for a good 20 minutes before I could get up.
There were a few of those paperboard cup carriers in front. I'm sure the numerous plastic bags held other wrappers and things. I never did settle on a likely candidate. Everyone looked and dressed fairly neat and normal, nobody was mumbling to themselves. I'm always unsettled by vehicles like that and the people who drive them. It's a very public, traveling display of craziness.