I hope so. Cause I just fucking tried to. I was about to go to sleep and heard one of the ducks going crazy outside. I ran out there in time to see a fucking owl grabbing one of them by the back trying to take off with it. Stupid fucker did that head 180 and looked at me like "what's the problem?" The problem was I didn't have a gun, which I normally grab when responding to loud animal sounds outside, and didn't know what else to do, so I fucking punched it. Punched the owl right in the stupid fucking owl face. It flew off and left the ducks alone, and I put them in their pen while I scour amazon for "owl deterrent" and "owl destroyer" and anything that can make that not happen again. This literally happened about 5 minutes ago. As I'm typing this I just realized I got brown owl feathers on my right hand. Stupid fucking nature.... FUCK!!!! **edit** just remembered, yes it was a horned owl and yes they are protected so it's highly illegal to kill them or even harm them. But first I tried to lift it off, and it didn't let go and tried to scratch at me so then I punched it. Just for clarification. Pretty sure if even a protected species comes at you, you're allowed to punch it.
No, that fucker had defenses. It had claws. I didn't know what else to do. Fight or flight motherfucker, I got fists. Let's go.
Tell that to PETA. Personally, you should've shot the thing. Who would've known? Who would've told on you? Get a .22 take care of it and maybe have a little owl bbq
Just ordered some solar powered infrared lights that are supposed to jack with their sight (and ears, from the sound they send out). Also bought one of those owl decoy things because in theory the only thing that's gonna really scare away an owl is larger owl. I'll just mount them high enough so the ducks don't see them.
Know what'll scare an Owl? The sound of a .22. Set an example. Is it weird that you're caring for a nurturing these ducks but ultimately they're doomed and you're the one with the axe just waiting for the right time?
Not these guys, these are the breeders. They give me delicious eggs and will reproduce to give me delicious meals. Their babies are expendable. They'll be in the front yard (no fence) and if they go they go. Eat them as I'm hungry for duck. But these ladies, I'm protective of these guys even if they shit on my back porch.
I'm thinking I got an electric fence charger, and I can probably find a good pole around here somewhere. That could be fun.
If I don't see any. More realistically, I got a .22 and some havahart traps. Put some pest birds in there as bait, hopefully catch the fucker, then drive him north 50 miles or so.
I was kind of hoping youd test it on yourself just to be sure if its working or not. No point in having an electric fence if its not working.
You don't need to test electricity to make sure it's working. That's how you get killed. All it takes is a basic understanding of how circuits work and you're fine. Fortunately, I have that basic understanding. I also have that basic understanding of working with a group of women..... might wanna try that.
Just saw this question sorry. Short answer, no, I'm not raising them for meat. Initially, I actually bought them just for pest control and fertilizer. Mosquitoes and chiggers are horrible down here, and who doesn't love a nice yard. Their poop is fantastic fertilizer and a little research indicated that they were the more friendly, more hearty version of guinea hens when it came to eating bugs and crap. Ordered them online from a place called Metzer Farms for a few bucks each. They arrived as babies, a few days old. Just took a big storage bin from walmart, then bought a heat lamp, some pine shavings, and a feeder and waterer from the local tractor supply. You can also find those items on amazon. Super cheap, maybe $30 in supplies. Had to raise them indoors while I build their outdoor pen, again, building it myself, $200 in wood but I did it real elaborate. You could do it a lot less. The great thing now is that all I have to pay for is their feed. $13 for a 50 lbs sack. Feeds 10 of them for about 3-4 weeks. They've already paid for themselves in pest control and fertilizing the place. I could go outside naked in the height of mosquito season and be perfectly fine now. Didn't realize their eggs taste so delicious though, of which I'm getting about 3 dzn/week. If a predator were to wipe out the entire flock today, I'd order more ducks this evening. They're just that useful. Mainly want more babies in order to get more eggs. Don't get me wrong, I like the taste of duck, but I could do without it too. Main thing is I just don't want them to go to waste. Males get territorial if there's too many compared to the number of females, so I'll have to cull some from the flock once they are old enough to identify. And I'm not gonna let a vulture have a perfectly good duck when I could eat it instead.
Run a bunch of string over the duck pen like a drunk redneck Gods-eye project. The owl will try to fly in and get tangled up in the string, Then kill it.
Thinking about doing that kinda with my haveahart. Capture or kill a bird to put in it, tie a bunch of nooses with fishing line on top of the cage. Just snare it. Then either take it far far away, or politely ask it to leave me alone.
Maybe duck popularity will see an uptick when farmers stop raising chickens, since they'll be growing all the chicken meat in the lab. https://www.wsj.com/articles/startu...trips-cultivated-from-cells-in-lab-1489570202 Pretty much tastes like chicken? Rabbit, snake, guinea pig . . . all "pretty much" taste like chicken.
Apperantly this is another round of The Fappening going round. Any tech types confirm? Supposed leaked noodz of Emma Watson that are making the rounds.
I don't know about ducks...hate the taste....but I do know that if 2017 claims Willie I'm gonna bitchslap someone.