@Revengeofthenerds :: Now that you've got the ducks, you gotta get the press. Or make your own: http://sethgould.com/blog/2015/1/18/the-duck-press
That looks insanely delicious. Whenever I tell people about what I'm doing, the first reaction is "omg why would you kill a pet!!!" No... I want to harvest livestock after I give it humane (if not luxurious, by wildlife standards) life and over the course of doing its natural instincts in eating and pooping it fertilizes my yard and controls my pests. That is the height of humane eating. The second reaction I get after explaining that is "well I hate the taste of duck anyway".... yes, and that's because you have not had it properly prepared. Shooting a wild duck out of the sky and cooking it on a $30 grill is vastly different than raising a duck and preparing it according to one of a vast array of French culinary methods for foul. If you don't like the taste of something, try researching how it should properly be prepared. If you are interested in seeing how it can taste delicious, then get it from someone who can properly prepare it. If you don't give a shit, then fuck off and keep your opinions to yourself.
I don't get people that aren't into non traditional meats. I ate groundhog the other year and it was pretty good, tad musky since I missed some of the scent glands. Squirrel, good, rabbit, good. Whats the big deal? Wild game at least you should know how to cook it, without the factory farmed fat it dries out very fast and will give it the "gamey" taste. After watching a few Aunti Fee videos I can see why she suffered a major heart attack. Still amusing videos.
SEE! I'm hooked. She is all kinds of awesome. I hope she doesn't die. Watch the bread pudding episode. Trust me. Kubla, this entire sentence is nasty. Ew.
And here's to another great American tradition I also think some members on here would appreciate this shirt