In other news, I binged watched the first season of some show called Letterkenny a couple nights ago... and I thought it was fucking hilarious. Here's a collection of some of the funny parts from the show... highly recommended, especially if you're at all familiar with small Ontario towns. FYI, this long clip has quite a few spoilers in it, so if you give a shit, you've been warned.
Just look for the little Letterkenny shorts that are on YouTube. They started it all, and they are HYSTERICAL.
A couple new additions that I've always wanted to buy, so I did. Let's start with a sad story: Spoiler This is Bugs Raymond. "Bugs" was, of course, a was short for Bughouse. As in Bughouse crazy. (Bughouse was turn of the century slang for insane asylums.) Bugs was a very talented pitcher and an even more talented alcoholic. Like MAJOR alcoholic. When he pitched for the NY Giants they would send his paycheck to his wife instead of paying him (His wife was obligated by contract not to give him any of the money), teammates were forbidden to loan him money, or give him unopened packs of cigarettes that he could sell to buy booze. Bugs was a Spit baller (Trust me, it's more disgusting then it sounds. I'll explain in the next spoiler.) By all accounts, he actually pitched better when he was drunk. They say he'd just breathe on the ball and it got drunk. Bugs died in 1912 at 30 years old just after his 5 year old daughter who died of influenza. His death was attributed to a combination of alcoholism and a severe beating. Spoiler This is Hal Chase, better known as "Prince Hal." A likable and talented 1st baseman for the NY Highlanders (Later to become the Yankees.) Hal would certainly be enshrined in the HoF if not for one little problem...He was a major gambler. He threw games, offered money to other players to throw games and is widely considered to be heavily involved in the infamous 1919 "Black Sox" World Series fix. Remember what I said above about spitballs? Look at the ball Hal is holding. That is not the white baseball we've become accustom to. At that time, most games were played with just 1 or 2 balls. If a new ball was introduced into play, it quickly went "Around the horn"...catcher to 3rd to Shortstop, to 2nd to 1st and then to the pitcher. Each player would hawk up whatever he could onto the ball and then bounce it through the infield to the next player. One after the other until it was absolutely disgusting, basically an orb of filth and disease. Yuck. Sometimes it's the little details that makes these cards interesting to me. [/SPOILER}
I'm on here with my typical frequency, but not usually on Friday or Saturday nights because of this. I've been busy as hell with work, family shit, my social obligations, or barring all of that, drinking myself into a stupor down in my man cave. A man has to have priorities.
Maybe I'm in the minority that enjoys the random interesting shit. What's boring to one is fascinating to another. I hate baseball with a passion but toytoy's card stories are a great example of the kind of cool shit you'll never learn anywhere else. Then again, I also thoroughly enjoy WWI and WWII documentaries. And anything about battleships or tanks or old war weaponry. Shit's just fascinating. I was born in the wrong century I think.
Those always make me laugh these days, because they look nothing like a real Rorschach Test. (I had one professionally administered once.) The real test has colors and "textures," and they aren't always 100% symmetrical. Also, it's the same test for everyone, with no variations. ALL of the psych tests I've taken (MMPI-II, MIPS, WAIS, a couple others) have no variation or alternate versions; they are different from one another, but there is only one version of each test. They have the exact same questions, and they don't even shuffle them up. To me, at least, this could make the results easy(er) to fake. You just find out what the perfect answers are for the result you want, and memorize them. Of course, when you're taking a test like the MMPI (567 questions), that might be a daunting test, but I think I figured out a way you can probably pull it off: The questions are all yes/no, so you could think of those as high/low notes, and then try to think of it as music. Anyway, it was just a thought. Enough of that boring shit. The management here wants a return to the Wild West days of the drunk thread, so we better give them what they want. Spoiler Spoiler
Spiderman is being rebooted yet again? Jesus. The first 2 Tobey Spidermans were great. The 2 Garfield ones were ok. A second reboot in 15 years? Weird.
Is there anything more condescending in the world than when someone talks down to you using therapist jargon? I think not. Whenever someone tries to breakdown your opinion using phrases like, boundaries, your beliefs, etc. Does anyone here have trouble with daylight savings? If they do I can't imagine how they'd handle going overseas or even traveling across the country
Give an example of the former. Like, fucks online who also can hardly spell or a person in the workplace?