Was it Flexeril? I take it for my back when I pull a muscle, but man that stuff fucks me up for an entire day. Combining with booze though? You're going to Heath Ledger yourself man.
Ive got a prescription for them for my back. Before I threw my back out last month I had only used maybe 3 bottles in a span of five plus years. I took a quarter of one before work and couldn't focus for half the day. Normally if I really need to take them before I go to bed.
It was indeed Flexeril. I had forgotten I took it when I poured my drink. I also stopped when I realized what I was doing, but by then the "holy shit" train had left. I have legitimately never felt that fucked up drunk in my life, and I maybe drank half a rum and coke. I can usually put away three or four in a night, so when half of one was making me feel so weird, I knew something was different and then it hit me. I went to bed early last night, too. Related note: still up today with no hang over. Streak of no hangovers in my life continues!
FUUUUUUUUUuuuuuuuCK you! I hadn't mentioned it but I went to a bachelor party in Vegas this past weekend. Possibly the worst hangover of my entire life. I am seriously reconsidering what alcohol means in my life and if I need to just stop drinking all together.
I went through this, and came up with a more acceptable solution. I don't drink at night. I hated hangovers, and got nothing out of being in the bars until 3am other than hangovers. Go have a couple of drinks at happy hour, then go home. Never stay in the bar after 8pm.
Hahahahahahahahahahahaha http://www.foxnews.com/entertainmen...-reportedly-beaten-up-in-prison/?intcmp=hpbt4
Hahahaha, geez the age of the guy who hit him. Not surprised the assailant only got a scratch on his hand, apparently Jared has ballooned up so he was probably just hitting a bunch of fat.
Imagine living the rest of your life hearing the same stupid Subway sandwich cock puns from a bunch of murderous thugs. Day in, day out, "I'mma put my footlong in your ass!" I'm not sure which is worse, the anal rape or the monotony. Well, the rape, of course the rape, but you see what I'm saying. What I truly lament is these gentlemen's abilities to spice it up. Can't help but think of this scene:
So now, in addition to the subway rape jokes, he's gonna get jokes about him being fat. Which in turn is going to make him eat more. I'd set the over/under at another 4 months until he shows up in the death thread. Although then again, he could be too heavy now for the blankets to support his weight when he tries to hang himself.
I'm in the same boat, getting older sucks. I'll enjoy my afternoon, then heal up before I go to sleep. I hate waking up feeling groggy and just depleted. That and with one of my sleep meds, if I have too much booze which is like 4 ipas before taking it, it effectively makes me feel like I took antibuse. I wake up feeling dizzy as hell and the nausea is intense. Pretty good motivation to watch what I drink at night. Little known fact, Jared is actually in prison in Denver, maybe a 20 minute drive from me. I imagine he's in a pretty cushy setup. Glad to hear he got his shit rocked. I heard he was asked how old the kid needs to be and he said it didn't matter.
There are children in the US that go to bed hungry, but our prisoners can eat so much they get fat? Awesome.
Starving prisoners would be inhumane, however those children on the street? Tough luck. Its a matter of agency I guess. Prisoners are under someones authority, starving children need to rely on their parents
Lol, raping is fine, but starving? Gasp, no, that would be inhumane! I don't want them to starve, I just don't want the system to support their gluttony. I just have this weird opinion, that helpless children, who aren't criminals, deserve to eat before Jared gets seconds.
If it makes you feel better, the public schools and prisons are probably getting pretty much the same food from the same vendors.
I can't be sure about the facility he's in but typically you don't get seconds but you are allowed to buy as many snacks as you want from the commissary. I'm assuming he still has money so I'm sure he's consuming Ho-Ho's and Twinkies at an alarming rate.
Another day, another woman runs around naked in traffic after a high speed chase. http://abc7.com/news/video-naked-woman-leads-deputies-on-wild-chase/1246009/ My favorite part of the report, is at about 1:35 in that video, they cut back live to the field reporter, who has been watching the feed on her monitor. When the camera comes back to her, following naked lady's response of why she got naked, the reporter appears to be nodding like, "Yep, we've all been there, girl."
Without hijacking the thread, I think I should weigh in on this. Jared is at a Federal Correctional Institute , which is medium security (minimum security is a work/trustee camp, max security is a USP, or United States Prison). My brother did most of his 13 years at FCIs. He said that when he got there in '03, the food was amazing: All you could eat buffet, soda fountain, etc. All that changed when Obama got into office, and then things got really bad; they were getting food in boxes marked "not for human consumption," and a lot of guys got sick. After a year or two that changed, and it got better, but not as good as it was in the Bush years. He said that these days it's about the same as the food in the TDC system, which was decent, depending on which unit you were housed at. And no, you don't get seconds in TDC, and you have an $85 commissary limit for every two weeks, but you usually only get to go to commissary once a month. Two years of that shit was enough for me.
I think there's a fine line to walk for food in prison. Obviously the buffet crap is rediculous, but it should still be decent. I mean these are still people, even if they are in there for very bad things. Food should never be tortuous, so that whole crap of "it meets their basic dietary needs" I don't buy. If nothing else than serve them something at least decent for morale purposes. That goes a long ways I'm sure. Then again, there's politics involved and convincing tax payers to foot the bill for better quality of life in prisons can't be a very popular political stance.
I was in a "Correctional Center" when Bill Clinton was president and the food wasn't bad. It was made on site by the inmates and was what I think typical jail food would be. Oatmeal or grits, fruit, milk for breakfast, some sort of sandwich for lunch and then a balanced dinner. Usually a roast with gravy, chicken, mashed potatoes etc for dinner. Not gourmet but I'd say on a frozen dinner level of taste and quality.
Uber driver, kalamazoo spree killer, sues Uber for psychological damage Not sure if Serious Thread or here, but it's kinda funny the extent someone will go to not claim responsibility for their actions. He also states that his wife is divorcing him because of Uber.