There's always been a limit... I think it's like 250k or something. People have tried to upload files that are MB's in size, and that's just not sustainable.
Oral exam...or "oral exam". We were talking about the clitoris. Which, interestingly enough, was one of my other answers. The clitoris. WHICH DIDN'T WIN! I was so fucking robbed last night. Okay, so my GAY friend got a card that read, "Dear Abby, I am having an issue with ____________, please help." So I threw in my card of "Vomiting mid-blowjob". Hilarious right? EVERYONE THOUGHT SO. But nooooo, Rick had to be "nice" and picked something else. That win was mine Rick! Mine! Overall a fun night. And I didn't wear green. The gay couple wore matching green t-shirts. I mocked them for it.
My personal best at Cards Against Humanity was the following: I didn't understand _______ until I saw ________. Which I filled with "the KKK" and "Kanye West", respectively.
I know how you feel. It's annoying that some people don't realize that the point of the game is to be offensive as possible.
You could do that in reverse order, too, I guess. What the hell? Is everybody at Buffalo Wild Wings watching the games?
Bob Durst spoiler ahead, for those of you that don't watch main stream news at all: Spoiler What was really amazing was how they arrested him the day before the finale aired.
It's all over CNN for fuck's sake... has been for a week. Didn't realize it was a spoiler. But I'll respect the sand in your vag and go back and spoiler that stuff.