So my sister is getting a true rescue dog. They should have him by Sunday. He was a stray in Arkansas and some people picked up this big, sweet Lab/Dane mix. Does anyone here have any experience with former strays? Any tips for when they pick him up? Apparently is assimilating very well to his foster home, but its always possible for things to pop up later on.
My dern warrior Please, woman. If that were me, I would totally switch to air drums at the correct places. But, other than that - that's about right.
Buddy was a stray. He was caught in a feral dog trap behind a store in Hawaii and we found him at the SPCA there. Buddy is the most loyal, attached, obedient dog that I have ever come across. Bar none. He had some mild aggression issues (a short fuse, if that means anything to you) when we first got him towards other dogs, mostly out of fear I think, but we trained him out of that completely and he ignores all other dogs now. Well, except that one who came into our parents' backyard a couple weeks ago. That dog started shit with Buddy, Buddy ran him off the property and came back. Pretty sweet, actually. What worked for us was to just be as consistent and calm as possible. The couple of times that el husband yelled at him because he was jumping up on him when he got in the door after work made him pee. No bueno. Be calm, firm, and affectionate when it is appropriate. There are certain tricks to get your dog to stop certain behavior, like the jumping up thing, but it all comes down to those 3 things.
Re: My dern warrior Did you win? There was a guy at the gym last night wearing one of those headbands. I think they're making a comeback.
Awesome, thanks for the advice. If my sisters dog turns out to be anything like Buddy I think she'll be really happy. One thing they're going to do is let him sleep in his crate when they first get him. Apparently he is crate trained and takes to it well, so they don't want to overwhelm him at first.
So I have a male friend/ex co-worker who I've known for the past 6 years (we'll call him Joe). He and I have been friends during our relationships with other people - he lived with a girl for about 8 years and I was off and one with a guy for about 5 1/2 years - we've always talked to each other through the trials and supported each other, etc. I've never been attracted to him, I saw him simply as a good friend. About 3 months ago, he and his long term gf broke up and she moved out. I'd been off and on with my guy for quite some time and have been at a point for the past 6 months where I decided I'm ready to move on. Subsequently, he got on Match and then we were talking a lot about the various girls he was meeting/dating. So last week, I was out with a friend of mine and I mentioned to her that Joe and his gf had broken up. She knows him and she expressed some interest in dating him, so I thought to myself that I'd inquire about it with him later. About an hour later, I got a text from him asking what I was up to. I replied that I was drinking with my friend and I took that time to ask him about his potential interest in her (although I didn't tell her that I was doing that in case he wasn't interested). He replied that he wasn't interested and then he said "I want you Soonergal... holding out for you... you will love me some day... you will be mine". I was a bit stunned so I replied "you're drunk". His reply back to me was "No, just got home from traveling, I'm sober. Please come make love to me tonight". Never in my 6 year friendship with him has he ever expressed any interest and nothing physical has ever happened aside from ONE hug that was purely platonic. Consequently, I am completely creeped out. I haven't spoken to him since even though he's tried to reach out to me. WTF? Is this common? Do dudes secretly have a thing for their female friends but not express it? I would've taken it a lot better if he'd have said it more along the lines of "Hey Soonergal, I've been thinking that I'd like to talk about taking our friendship into something different... blah, blah".... but the "you will love me someday... you will be mine...please come make love to me tonight" is completely creepy to me. Anyone have any experience with this type of thing? Whether you be the one who has been attracted to a friend of the opposite sex or have a friend who out of the blue expressed that they had feelings for you?
To keep it simple and concise, yes, yes they do. Most guys want to get with their female friends, most of their friends anyway. There are some friends who are just friends, but if they are attractive, dudes do secretly have a thing for their female friends but don't express it. Sounds like its about time to change your number. This guy sounds silence of the lambs-ish.
It's sad that do many guys still don't realize that creepy Lord Byron shit is... creepy. Gah. Some dudes just seem to think that life is the movies, where persistence pays off. That's not persistence, it's called "stalking" and there isn't a female alive that doesn't have an aversion to it.
I could be attracted to a friend but it wouldn't be any different than being attracted to another female. I think the key word to your post is "if they are attractive." Regardless... Soonergal I'd make it clear to him that ain't gonna happen, and I have a shotgun you can borrow in the meantime.
I made homemade doggy treats for Duke. Let him sample a couple...Now he's running around the living room doing all the cute things trying to earn more. Until we moved to the east coast I'd never heard of a split level home. Now that we have one...these things are stupid. There are stairs. I have to go up or down stairs all the time no matter what. Throw in that...i have NO idea what they were thinking when they built and finished the downstairs portion of the's very confusing. But seriously. Fuck stairs.
Yeah he couldn't have worded it worse. Maybe dude is just a total boner when it comes to social cues. Otherwise the secret harboring of feelings/wanting to hook up is run of the mill.
I dunno, is there any way to re-word this without it being over the line? Good luck with that. It is especially creepy in context, having known each other for six years.
If a six-year build up lead to him saying THAT, I don't want to be within a hundred feet of him acting on impulse.
I'm fairly certain even Durbanite would refrain from saying that due to creepiness. Hell, even those bizarre pick up artist folk would have to understand that phrase comes off less "I have feelings for you" and more "I am going to wear your skin like a coat."