Surprising as it might be guys too like to have a place to vent when it comes to relationships/work/stress/etc. I have a girl that used to be my boss that I still talk to all the time about that type of shit. She's engaged and telling her I'd always wanted to date/screw and still would if she ever became unencumbered with a fiancé isn't something I'd admit to her. We are friends and that would sink the friendship. IF she did break up with her dude I might float the idea to her. Ill keep in mind your friend's text. Chinese people love that Tai Chi shit. I tried meditation in high school for a psych class I was taking. More the sit and concentrate type. The first time I tried it was pretty relaxing the next time I thought I'd download some guided meditation mp3 to help. I picked some random one off of napster. Started off alright, general relax, focus your mind on this or that. Then about 20 minutes in the dude started saying, "now imagine my tongue testing your lips, slipping in your mouth." Well THAT killed the mood. I haven't tried anything else since. Ive always been curious about yoga in the same way. I hear a lot of good things about it. Bikram yoga is the new rage. A lot of people say it helps the stress kind of like meditating (Im guessing you kind of do both). I could always use some flexibility work my hamstrings are tight as fuck.
Meditation is what you make of it. I like it, because it's a decent twenty minutes of letting my mind decompress. I don't like the strict, timed and guided stuff because that seems too much like a class. I have no idea of Tai Chi, but meditation is a pretty nice way to wind down and go to sleep.
News programs REALLLLLLY need to stop pulling up random twitter comments as a source of "public opinion". How stupid is that? 95% of that community is dedicated to validating itself as much as possible, throwing around buzzwords like "disgusting" and "outraged" in hopes of getting a celebrity's attention.
I've read zero articles on it, but in my browsing I saw a headline that suggested Chelsea Handler. No thanks.
People I want to replace Letterman: 1. Lou Ferrigno 2. David Lee Roth 3. Anthony Jeslenick 4. Louis CK 5. Daniel Tosh I have much distaste for Leno, his humor is pathetic and I hope he burns to death forever. Letterman borders parody right now. It would be the height of comedy to get this deaf, mumbling gargantuan up there to intimidate the ever loving shit out of all these tiny movie stars. Maybe I just really, really like Lou Ferrigno. Fuck you. I don't have to justify myself. On the same token, an insult comic. "You want to come on this show to promote your bullshit? I get to talk about abortions and your coke habit." And they'd have to fucking eat it. GOD, SO GOOD. Now, DLR would just be a fuckin' blast. Doing jumpkicks every night, making stupid jokes, singing tunes and dancing, a co-host in a bikini because why not. Tell me you would not watch that. It'd be his solo album all over again. Who will end up replacing Letterman: Some boring dick weed. Then I will continue not to watch. Ferguson deserves it. He's been on that network for years, but no way a Scot with an impenetrable accent gets that slot.
I could see them throwing Conan an offer. Not sure if he would do it. He might be a little too much of a niche sense of humor. But I always liked Conan more than anyone else.
I find his hair upsetting. I saw someone suggest NPH to take over Letterman's spot. While I would watch that show every night without fail, I think NPH is too good for late night tv.
Jesus, man. That's not how it works. This is the network big time. You can't have someone funny like Ferguson or Kimmel. You need a self-indulging, obnoxious pseudo-comic like Fallon.
Exactly. But at least Fallon is trying to do something different. It's not funny, but it's better than Leno. In fact asshole splitting prison sex is better than Leno. Why is Mike Tyson not being considered?? Fuck late night. Destroy it. Go out in a blaze of glory. Take TV back from old people and mid-westerners. F you, gramps, we're giving Mike Tyson a show. He gets to go around to all his old girlfriends candid camera style asking them what went wrong in the relationship and if they'd vouch for him in court.
I'm in quite a conceited mood this morning. I feel exasperated about how much everything around me has failed to live up to my expectations while stoicly soldiering on despite having to tolerate the fact that everyone else is so inferior to me. Let's hope that no one calls on me to fix their fuck-ups today because I can't promise I won't tell them exactly how much of a shameful failure they are.
You'd need to use Closed Captioning for good ole Lou I think. And possibly Mike Tyson as well now that I think about it.
I had Taco Bell for breakfast this morning. Do not get the waffle taco it is terrible. The breakfast burrito was ok. But not nearly as good as McDonalds. However the AM Crunch Wrap is hands down the greatest breakfast fast food creation ever. Get it. GET IT NOW.
My brother's friend Nick took a low level marketing job because he really hates the idea of working for a living, but isn't independently wealthy. He's got an MSc in electrical engineering, so he's no dummy, but just doesn't like to apply himself. Nick took the job and his boss quit on his first day, as did half of the department, in what can only be called a massive coup d'etat. A week later, with no experience whatsoever on which to base the decision, Nick was promoted to head of marketing - a position he holds to this day, two years after the fact.
If you've seen Tyson: In His Own Words you'll see that Mike Tyson actually is funny. Hilarious, even. The part where he discusses the Dapper Dan fight with Mitch Green is the hardest I've laughed since Jerry Falliwell died.