Weddings are crazy. The Husband and I got married at the ballpark in the middle of the third inning during a home game against the Twins. We were back in our seats and buying more beer before the 4th inning started.
Re: I wish I were at that beach You're right. Who cares about open mouths? Spoiler Who cares if they even have faces?? (this picture is yummy) Spoiler I might be interested in rugby if this were their uniform: Spoiler Hey not my fault if you clicked the second or third spoiler. You had to know where this was going.
So, did he give you free coke? I mean it's your wedding day. I'm not sure how good it is to start your married life off by doing a mutual line like LAdy and the Tramp eating spaghetti. Come to think of it, why do I not have a dealer? I'm a reasonably attractive, virile young man in South Florida. I should have been issued one when I turned 18. Someone needs to start up a my market place like Obamacare for coke and E dealers. "Is Rayfon on your plan? I specifically got the Snow Plan so I could keep my existing dealer."
Re: Re: 3/28/14 WDT NSFW Drinking in the parking lot of your wedding and then in the grooms room is a time honored tradition where I am from. I mentioned this traditional drinking ceremony to my southern Baptist wife to be and she looked at me like I had grown a dick on my forehead. Apparently that traditional ceremony never made it to the south. My brother in law got drunk and forgot he took some form of opiate, so that was funny shit when his straight laced dad was trying to figure out what was wrong with him. Food poisoning? How fucking naive that family is, I walked around with a bottle of Scotch meeting my new family, they all left immediately after dinner. At 8pm. I could have given less of a fuck.
I wrote our entire wedding ceremony. And not just the vows, I mean the entire thing, word-for-word. I did that two days before, because I'll be damned if some stupid priest is gonna bore the shit outta the wedding party I paid to be there (via the reception). Once all was said and done, I was shocked how many jokes I managed to fit in there. It was glorious; like a roast of everyone important to my wife and I, except it was disguised as something romantic and everyone went "aww" at the end. My step father and I hand-built the arbor my wife and I got married under and my parents and I were at the local nursery gathering the flowers and shrubbery for the area literally hours before the ceremony. The lady who married us had worked with me for a good number of years and shared pulls from my flask before the wedding because she was stage fright and also just recently got divorced and was trying to hide the pain. Control freak? A little. But at least I made sure it didn't suck.
Don't get a dealer, BE a dealer. Aren't you between Ft Lawdy and Miami? Those are the two Go-Fast depots for the cocaine dropped off in those islands east of there. You are in the epicentre of StraightCashHomeyville. What else do you have to do there except polish a gun and decide which townsfolk to murder first? $50,000 for a day's work from what I hear to go all Miami Vice. Of course, you can also get thrown in jail for a quarter of a century. Risk vs. Reward. Hell, your country alone consumes more than 60% of the world's blow. GO-FAST BRO
No, I'm an ordained minister. Never mind that I'm an athiest; I'm legitimately ordained, with a framed plaque and registration in my local county and everything. Because yay Internet!!!
Your religion or lack thereof isn't what did it. Your officiant (and you) tipping it back before signing your marriage license is what did it. Technically.
That's the law here. Any innebriation before your vows voids your marriage contract. However being smashed off your ass in front of an Elvis impersonator... Totally legit.
So theoretically, because I was a little drunk before my wedding, and so was the minister, I don't have to give her half if we ever divorce? (Though honestly, I did the proverbial 'out-kick your coverage' thing... Though I took on her emotional baggage in exchange, and that's another story.)
Everyone masturbates in front of their cats. Except me, because cats are crazy and I refuse to own wild animals.