We were discussing the Old Testament Canticle and I had a spoonerism and said Old Testicle Cantament. I do not have testicles.
Well to be fair, Hitler was a devout Christian. But he was also an asshole: not a single dedication in Mein Kamph.
When I was 12 I went to a Catholic church with a friend a mine. I had never been to a Catholic service before and was not familiar with any of their routines. It came time for communion and my friend goes up, so I follow her, having no idea why I was doing it. I must not have been paying attention because when I get to the front of the line, the priest is there holding this gold plate thing. I had no idea what to do, so that's what I said to him, "what do I do?", I'm looking around at other people, at the line next to me, and the priest wasn't saying anything. You know that gold plate? I was going to spit on it. WHY I thought that is what I was supposed to do, I have no idea. It's not like there were globs of spit on it from the people in front of me. I can just picture him having to wipe it off on his robe if I did and then flip it over or something. Seriously, it was just to hold under your mouth as you take communion, why even have it? Geez. Finally, in frustration, the priest says, "just open your mouth" (let the jokes begin), I did and it was all over. It was a huge church too and the line behind me was insane. Good times.
There are 80mph gusts right now in Denver, its insane. I'm so, so happy my motorcycle is kept in a garage now so that I don't have to obsessively worry about it tipping over. If this were New York, the media would be all over it, but because its Denver which is pretty much out in the middle of no where and relatively small compared to the east coast, no one cares. Sounds like my weekend was better than most of yours. This weekend I checked out Red Rocks amphitheater for the first time which was fun, then grabbed beer at Great Divide. The next day we hiked Chatauqua Park and then went to Avery. All in all pretty awesome weekend.
Best Korea and Worst Korea are trading fire into each other's oceans right now. Cult, you got out of here at a great time, apparently. People are going fucking nuts, over what is amounting to be a waste of munitions and microphones. Goddamn it, every country I've gone to now has shit the bed in some meaningful way. Can we please have the current events thread now?
From what I've heard, China won't let the NORKS do anything too dumb. I don't think you have anything to fear so long you aren't a Christian Missionary. (I'm not making fun of Kennaeth Bae, not sure what he was doing there, but sounds like the Stalinist regime is quite happy to let him suffer).
tomato, tomahto There's a lot of folklore, myth, and what not about the relationship between the two words. But, both words do stem from testis or "witness" so . . . it's not like you mean to say, "Could you pass the Cheerios?" but instead said, "You miserable bitch, you ruined my life!"
Chop You mean it's not? Crap, my boss is probably wondering where I am! Oh wait. Man, I'm glad I don't have a boss. Like a boss.
Think about companies that have to mail lots of things. I work in healthcare revenue cycle managment and we mail about 10 million envelopes a month on behalf of providers, so the price of stamps matters to our clients. This isn't spam or junk mail either, they are required by law to send these documents and they depend on them for revenue too (and increasingly so). We also provide e-statements so when the price of stamps go up, that electronic delivery becomes even more important too.
Yea, I get it from a companies standpoint, I thought she was referring form a personal standpoint. Like she has to send out a letter to grandma but the price of stamps has gotten so high she might need to reconsider.
Bitch, please. My grandmother is on Facebook. It does make me giggle for all those brides with their 200-person guest lists, though. 200 invitations + 200 reply cards x 0.85 = $370. Just to find out that Aunt Trudy wants to bring her cat as her +1 and MuffyWuffy has special dietary restrictions.