I'm pretty sure that wasn't in public, though. And, I don't think she even did that on her 40th birthday, much less 21st. And, she's not dead. She posted recently. Well, she might be dead now, but she wasn't a couple days ago.
Because that part of the country pops pills like skittles, then their prescription runs out so they do heroin instead. Because, drugs! Down in the south though people got room to make shit. You can have a bunch of random crap on your lawn and people think you're just too lazy to put it in the shed. Not "oh, he might be preparing a meth lab with all that!"
I think meth is more popular here in Washington because the weather can be so dreary people are drawn to the "pick me up" style of things. The energy drink consumption (forget the coffee) is insane.
I guess in the end I'd go with living in proximity of h addicts then meth heads. Something about being wired makes dealing with the energy seem more taxing. Shit with herion you can just let them pass out and then decide if finding some narcan is worth it.
The heroin addicts were less intrusive than the tweakers seem to be. The tweakers walk up on you or in your business and just have no kinds of boundaries. And they're quite dangerous.
I feel like we missed the chance to weigh in on the Arian Foster vs Wolf debate: http://www.cbssports.com/nfl/news/a...e-would-take-down-a-wolf-with-his-bare-hands/ Personally I think he's overselling the value of opposable thumbs in a barehanded matchup (thumbs are most useful for grasping tools and weapons), and underselling the value of bipedalism.
I'm not sure how much researching the wolf is going to help him either. I do like how he's prepared to take the bite and use it to his advantage.
Which pay-per-view event would you be more likely to purchase? McGregor v Mayweather or Foster v Wolf?
Im kind of curious, I heard Joe Rogan mention this guy on his podcast. Being a man myself I have always had those egotisticle fantasies of taking on a dog or wild animal bare handed and crushing them due to superior intellect and ability to take advantages of weak spots they don't normally come up against in nature. For starters I feel like eye gouging would be fairly effective at immobilizing an animal that doesn't have great dexterity with thier limbs. Quadruped don't usually have socket joints on their front shoulders. Im wonder if it'd be possible to get enough leverage against one of their front legs and snap it? Would the pain and immobilization be enough to stop it? I wish Canis Dairuiuses was here to answer these burning questions. He's in some Idaho shack typing up manifestos or something?
I mean "this guy" is a recently retired all-pro NFL running back, so I'd give him better odds against a beast than your average Joe. Dude can bench press 335 lbs and run a quarter mile in under a minute.
Once the animal bites down on you, you're toast. You will be paralyzed with pain, unable to fight back, you are not even close to being strong enough to open their jaw yourself and pretty much fucked against a being with no quarter whatsoever. They say if you're attacked by a shark to poke it's eyes or yank its gills. Eyes are vulnerable no matter what species, as is stomping their feet if they're a dog or wolf. Their back legs are easier to inflict pain on, just picking their legs up under the joint is Excrutiating for them.
But your adrenaline would spike enough to not be paralyzed. It gets ahold of one of your arms, use your other tojab a thumb in his eye.
Depends. If they yank you after biting, the bad things just multiplied. A single dog bite can hurt for weeks, months. It's devestating. A wolf has powerhouse jaw and body strength. I don't know for sure if a human would stand a remote chance against one, unarmed. Go drop-kick a few Timberwolf pups near their mother and you'll find out right quick.