Im going to try this Rockstar Ice, mostly because it sounds like I should be drinking a malt beverage. Red Bull has new line of flavors out and finally have a zero calorie lime I dig. I always figured lime would be a good taste for Red Bull, it is a little bit key limey though, too close to reality. Part of Reb Bulls original flavor's charm to me was the chemically fruity taste you can't quite place. Normally I do the Monster paisely cans since they dont cost an arm and a leg.
I can place it. It's freakin liquid Sweet Tarts. Pretty sure I have never had an "energy drink" without vodka in it. And since that shit made my teeth hurt and my heart skip, I stopped drinking them.
I think Redbull tastes like liquid gummy bears, then it tastes like acid and ninja stars once it's in your digestive system. All that "energy" shit is just plain poison. Especially Monster, which has 2x the sugar of any mainstream drink.
In the afternoons, if I get a little sleepy, I usually just pour a 5 Hour Energy into a can of Red Bull, and then chug it. Do you think that's bad? This is from the "we tried the Jim Carrey formual one time too many phase," but this scene still cracks me up. And, I'm pretty sure that's Griffith Observatory in the background, but is that the same bench location that was also used in La La Land?