Fucking hell. I spent the afternoon rewiring my garage/shop with a sub-panel and a whack of dedicated 20 amp circuits in 110 and a few three-phase 30 amps. I know everyone around here is somehow deathly afraid of electricity, but as long as you have a solid understanding, a plan, and know some basic electrical codes for your area, it's not fucking hard. Especially something that's all surface mounted like a garage, where you have dedicated runs for each outlet. I'm currently renting my place, so everything, including the pony panel, is designed to be unplugged from the main panel, unscrewed from the wall, and then piled into a box. Think of it like an electrical harness on a car, but for a whole garage. The reason for this is so that I can run my welder at high amps, as well as some high-draw power tools (table saw, dust extractor, compressor), all at the same time without tripping breakers and shit. And it also has the special Nema 6-20 outlets to handle the funky non-standard connectors: Spoiler: electrical porn Well, mission accomplished! But then I went to wire up the "cool" shit, which was the remote control and auto-detect for the dust extractor. Basically it's a series of remote control switches and outlets that will trigger the dust extractor either via remote control, or by detecting a load on another tool (such as a table saw or thickness planer). This means that when you turn the table saw on, it automatically fires up the dust extractor and then when you kill the table saw, it runs the dust extractor for X seconds longer (anywhere from 5-45 seconds) to help clean things up. It's a "turn off delay" to help with the post-cut cleanup. It's really very handy as I'm sure any other woodworkers will understand. SO.... I go to install all the outlets and stuff, and realize that the main extractor switch they sent me wasn't for the extractor, but a remote socket for a tool. Needless to say, I don't have the main switch I need, I threw away all the boxes/paperwork last week (because I'm an idiot), and now it seems that the main switch that I need is backordered everywhere in Canada, and MAY be available in a month or so. Weeeeee! So yeah, that's my weekend. If you're interested in learning about remote control dust extraction, (because after all, who isn't!), this is what I'm talking about: http://ivacswitch.com/ivac-pro-switch/
I hope that you are all blessed with an Italian friend. A pal of mine celebrated the conclusion of a sad situation with me and my roommate by bringing us a giant platter of spaghetti and meatballs and a huge bottle of wine (and also a small purse full of joints). I realized it was the first time I had a meal other than "snacks" in two weeks and it felt so good to be mom-ed and fill all the way up on sketti and wine and pot. It was just a perfectly balanced trifecta and I can't remember the last time I felt so good. I was already so happy that when Nom later told me that I was "truly the Ruth Bader Ginsburg of my close friends" I legitimately shed a few tears of joy because I was so overwhelmed with good feelings. This has confirmed a lifelong goal of mine to marry into a huge Italian family. If anyone's available, just hit me up. It'll be good. Italians always think I'm Italian so they automatically love me, and I'm an old Italian man at heart so I'll get along so well with your grandpas. I will sit in such rapt attention to his stories of his good old days and laugh really hard at all the right places and he'll never stop feeding me cannolis because that's how it always goes. In exchange I pretend to go to church. So far it's been easy enough to pull this off with owners of bakeries and cafes but it shouldn't be too hard to do with a family members. I have gotten adopted by so many, just trust me on this.
Yep... my mom is like that, although she's not Italian. Everyone thinks she is, though. Whenever any shit went down within the family, or close friends, it was "crazy amounts of food to the rescue!" There's something amazingly comforting about Italian food...
I have to rant somewhere, so here goes: http://www.msn.com/en-ca/sports/mlb...-bat-flying-into-stands/ar-BBqqOCv?li=AAggNb9 I mean, yay for the dude who sacrificed his arm without thinking, but look at that kid! Whenever my dad took me to any kind of ball game, or even when we watch it on television, his mantra with baseball is: you'd better fucking pay attention. It gets a lot of flack for being boring, but in terms of seeing it live I can't think of a sport that's more dangerous to the crowd. Who lets a fat little kid sit there with his head down texting when they're close enough to the batters that this can happen?
Apparently things skipped a generation in my family. Growing up, this was every Sunday with my grandmother. Go over for Sunday "dinner" (which was always at noon since my mom worked afternoon shift) and leave with a giant box of food that was basically our dinners for the rest of the week. When I got a bit older, it was easy to recruit all my friends to help me take care of helping out around her house with things like landscaping, moving furniture around, etc.since they all knew they'd get a huge free meal out of it. After she passed away, there was a legitimate concern that my family might starve since neither my mother or my step-father really knew how to cook since we always relied on my grandmother. Thankfully, or luckily, I had really started to take an interest in not just eating all of her recipes, but also learning how she actually made everything not too long before she was unable to keep cooking, so now I'm the one that has taken up the mantle of carrying on the legacy. I don't eat nearly as much of the old Italian food staples as we used to, but there's something to be said about spending an afternoon making a giant pan of lasagna for only 3 or 4 people and then somehow eating the whole thing before slipping into a coma. And on a more personal note, I will gladly take on any challengers when it comes to making some old fashioned from scratch Italian wedding soup.
Well that's pretty damn cool. I've worked in a shop that had everything hooked up to this giant octopus-like system and it was the cleanest place (coincidentally owned by an ER surgeon), though he didn't have a slick auto system. Some day!! To my knowledge am 0% Italian* but both grandmas fed big farm families without much and are excellent cooks in their own rights- one is legendary for her doughnuts as big and light as clouds. I am spoiled as she makes them just for us grandkids, even as most of us are adults now. The older I get, the more I realize I can't take for granted how my parents cooked a lot of really good food and got me involved in the kitchen as I grew up too. *the Irish, German, and French in me just means claims that whiskey, beer, and wine shouldn't be consumed together are nonsense.
'Mystery Machine' van leads police on high-speed chase http://www.foxnews.com/us/2016/03/0...police-on-high-speed-chase.html?intcmp=hphz28
Yes. Letting the kid sit and plant his face into the phone is bad adulty behavior. But thank jeevus in hims swaddling clothes that guy stuck out his arm. That bat would've fucked that kid up for life, if it didn't kill him. I'm a fan who's for the net. I'm also a fan who's for MLB implementing an ejection rule for players who sling bats. Kids are ejected for doing it, and there's a fence up and low risk of actually hitting someone. These players should've outgrown that on their first year of coach pitch.
The Husband has another herniated disc. He is in an incredible amount of pain, and I can't help. We are also moving sometime in the next 10 months and we need to finish our house. I'm starting to get major anxiety over this.
Erin Andrews was just awarded $55 million. http://www.cbc.ca/beta/news/world/erin-andrews-lawsuit-1.3480142
Good for her although she will undoubtedly see a small fraction of that once the appeals have dragged on for years and years Also the head of the hotel chain playing the video of her in front of his lackeys, while in a bar, in front of the staff while saying that if it's costing him millions he gets to do what he wants with it was also a bad desicion.
From what I've seen, it's not the chain that is on the hook... the breakdown appears to be 51% of the guy who took the video, 49% is the franchise owner (not the chain). So there's nothing saying that the franchise owners themselves have any kind of cash to pay it out.
I got to take out an LT1 (383 stroker) engine from a '95 Trans Am today. I've hardly ever done any work on LT1s in F-bodies (mostly Caprices), but I know they can be a bitch. It wasn't nearly as hard as I thought it would be, but it was no walk in the park, either. Since the opening to the engine bay is smaller than 3rd gen. F-bodies due to the windshield intruding, it wouldn't come straight out; once the engine was off the mounts, we had to turn it sideways to get it out of there. The owner plans to put it in a C4 Corvette.
Well he died in 1995, but he was born in Sicily. He and his siblings used to get together on Sunday every week. I would occasionally go with my dad, both before and after his passing, and while I didn't understand a damn word of what they were all saying they were never lacking food.
One of you posted the link with photos about the mummified sailor found at the nav station of his drifting boat. Well, the guy that found him was wearing a GoPro. It's a sad story, and I feel bad posting more links to it. He's not speaking english, so the only words I understand are, "aaah, sh*bleeep*," at the end. It's kind of funny. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/art...ber-tragic-German-widow-horrifying-state.html
Glen Campbell's wife says singer has lost ability to speak http://www.foxnews.com/entertainmen...fe-reveals-lost-ability-to-speak/?intcmp=hpff It's coming any day now.