So, toytoy, are you auditioning to be the touring lead singer for AC/DC? For some reason I imagine you look like Brian Johnson.
I'm freezing my ass off in my office because the fatties are too hot. When I try to adjust the thermostat, they bitch and tell me that I need to put some weight on* which is bullshit. I'm pretty sure I'd be fired if I told them to lose weight. I try to set it at 68*. They turn the heat off, open the windows and doors when it's mid 50's outside and overcast. What do you guys prefer? Am I just coldblooded? *I'm 6'2" and 210lbs. Not exactly a beanpole.
Check out "I'll Be Me" on Netflix. The family does not shy away from letting the difficult and awkward moments show. In the midst of Alzheimers, he could still sing and play the guitar like a mofo. Forgot the words some, but still sounded great.
I'm the opposite, everyone is always bitching when it's too cold and I'm the one running around turning the air conditioning back on. I've got next to no fat to speak of, love the cold.
Toytoy? But, like, classier n' shit. You know, Dickie's. Then this picture just because it was in the related search and it made me laugh.
I've always been a big Glen Campbell fan. When I was a kid his music was everywhere. This documentary made me cry. A lot. There is no fucking way I'm watching it again. I defy you to listen to, or watch, "I'm not gonna miss you" and not get misty eyed.
Yes. Oh my god yes. I mean. I've got some cushion right now. But goddamn. When the indoor temp is an artificial 75° it's an absolutely miserable day.
In my decades of going to Concerts, AC/DC was not the loudest I can recall. That would be The Who back in the late 70s. However I remember AC/DC by far being the loudest opening number in any concert I can recall. I had a real l concern for my short term hearing for the next day at the beginning of the concert. Lucky for me they did not increase the volume so much during the concert. That Probably is because there was not much left for the Amplifiers to give without clipping.
What I've been doing for the last 10 years is that I'll wear ear-plugs for the opening acts (if I'm not interested in them, that is), then take them out for the headliner, thereby saving my hearing for the best stuff. I use earplugs all the time when working with loud machinery, but not for concerts. If I'm going to lose my hearing, it's going to be for doing something I love, not work.
Canada's McBarge will live again!!! It's a floating McDonalds. And it's about to undergo renovations. What they need to do is anchor it about a quarter mile out, have the tender service only one-way, and make the fat fuckers swim back to shore.
Not PC: Spoiler In the early part of the 20th century, if you were Native American and played baseball, your name was Chief. Nothing else was allowed apparently, I think it was a rule or something. I just picked up this card of the great Chief Bender. Yes, he had a curveball and yes, like most ballplayers, he had a drinking problem (But nowhere near the problem many of the era had.) He was a teammate of Natch's uncle Eddie Plank and voted into the HoF in 1953. He was also widely considered one of the smartest pitchers in the game while he was active.
It was very personal for me, too. My father died a few years ago after a 10 year battle with Alzheimers, and he loved Campbell, too. Music is powerful through the stages of decline, not just for someone like Campbell with all his talent. When my dad had declined where he couldn't communicate, he would still respond - dance, smile, react - to his favorite music.
My dad (at 83) can still be (unintentionally) hilarious these days. Today I had to take him to the hospital for a minimally invasive surgery, and while we were sitting in the waiting room, he looked around at the other people waiting. Then he said to me (with a full voice): "Have you noticed that there's a lot more fat women around these days? It didn't used to be like that." I looked around the room, and sure enough, almost every woman was obese. I know that they had to have heard him. It was all I could do to keep from laughing out loud. If I ever get to be his age (and I hope I don't), I'd be the same way. In honor of obese women, here's this: Spoiler JUST KIDDING! Obese women, nay, obese PEOPLE deserve no honor. But here's a cute red-head.