Bout half way through House of Cards season 2 glad to see Gerald Mcraney playing a George Hearst-esque character again. Man I wish they'd bring Deadwood back.
I also want them to bring back Major Dad and Simon & Simon. He had a decent TV run for three decades. The more time runs, the more a Deadwood redux can't happen. A fair chunk of the cast is doing well elsewhere. It saddens me, it may be my favourite show and I feel like I was just plain robbed when they cancelled it--and replaced it with John From Cincinnati which was retarded, colourless and obnoxious. There was still so much more story to that town involving Swearengen, Bullock and Starr. The town burned down entirely and was rebuilt, Swearengen re-opened the Gem making five thousand dollars a night-- and eventually died penniless on the streets of Denver. Less successful shows ran longer, certainly ones that weren't a gnat's dick as good as Deadwood.
Another Deadwood Alum is in House of Cards Season 2. Molly Parker plays Jackie, House Whip. I've always loved that woman, and she is sexy as hell.
I listened to my first Radiohead, The Strokes and The White Stripes albums this weekend. Granted, I knew some of their songs, but had never listened to albums. What rock had I been hiding under?
Depends on the Radiohead album. First three are great; everything after is static, clammering electro-noise Sonic Youth rip-offs that hipsters claim is "genius". Please. Radiohead will never have a better album than The Bends. I don't know why people like The Strokes. They are an arena act but like Kings of Leon I think they're just plain dull. People call them a true rock and roll band and they don't sound/sound like rock to me.
It was OK Computer, which obviously contains two of their better songs. I've been sort of stuck in a rut music-wise. Listened to my usuals enough, and not liking much new stuff at all (or not knowing how to find new stuff that matches my interests)
If you like two-person bands, I think Black Keys or (going back a few years) Local H are more enjoyable than White Stipres.
Fuck me, I have Backstreet Boys stuck in my head. Serves me right for posting that shit. If I commit suicide today, you guys will know why.
In the world I see – you're stalking elk through the damp canyon forests around the ruins of Rockefeller Center. You'll wear leather clothes that will last you the rest of your life. You'll climb the wrist-thick kudzu vines that wrap the Sears Tower. And when you look down, you'll see tiny figures pounding corn, laying strips of venison on the empty car pool lane of some abandoned superhighway.
Strangely enough, I just found this. The bonus round at the lipo suction clinic is tits. I would play the hell out of this game. In related news, I have to reread the novel. That book, and the movie (which might be better than the book), is incendiary. I want it taught in schools. Fuck Shakespeare.
It's definitely our generation's "Catcher in the Rye". I cant think of another book that had such a paradigm shift in my outlook on life.
I mean I like the book and the movie was fun and slick. I never saw it as so life changing as some people make it out, like Tucker.
The book was also-- as a bonus-- mind-blowingly homoerotic at times. Yeah, Max said it changed him. He also said that Gladiator changed him and that Caddy shack is the funniest movie ever. I have no reason to value his pop culture opinions.
Mother fucker, Caddyshack *is* the funniest movie ever. Don't talk shit about that one. Anyone that says Gladiator changed them is a doucheking. That's like saying you modeled your life like Spartacus. Fight Club novel is very gay. Palahniuk is a gay guy that wrote the anthem for new millenial machismo. That is hilarious. But the book has supreme literary merit. It's written in such a way that it's exciting and engaging unlike a lot of the stuff highschoolers are introduced to. Its subject matter is something relatable they could latch onto as well. You want to get a kid to read, not a book geek, but an average TV-addled teen, then by god give them something real to chew on.
Representing the ass contingent of the board, a thousand blessings on anyone who rescues the booty thread.
I read Palanuik's novel Haunted and all I have to say about that is.... GAAAAAAAAH. Read the chapter titled "Guts" if you want to test the limits on whether or not your mind can be broken because mother of GOD that is an assault on the senses. You'll never want to look at a swimming pool again.
He had the best press for that book. He was reading Guts at events. People dropped like flies. Something like 40 people passed out. The number is probably bullshit, but it makes for GREAT press. Brilliant. Any writer worth his salt looks for that kind of reaction even if the number was closer to 5. Hell, just the mental cue that it is possible for this story to affect you is enough for some people's subconscious to take appropriate action. Palahniuk's first 5 books are each a shot in the arm. After that he got a little tired. Competent, decent reads, but the shtick got thin. Choke is at times just as graphic as Guts. That book was all kinds of fucked up.
I second this. I did a brew crawl with my girlfriend and her co-workers last night. It was a blast. I haven't been drinking 'til 3 am in awhile. We stopped by the cider place very close to my house and it was a nice change of pace, their fresh cider is undeniably good. Also morning sex is challenging when you can't go too hard because your head starts pounding and feels like your brain is trying to screw your forehead in return. Is it appropriate to stop for Gatorade breaks? Good times.