You missed the point. You're supposed to have nothing left after the 30 days. You can't have the house, and you can't have the money from the sale of the art. The point is to find creative ways of spending that much money without just giving it away, and without having anything to show for it. You can't blow through 30 million just on renting private jets. You would be able to pay off your own debt though, so long as you don't actually have any assets at the end. So, you can pay off credit card debt or student loans (I don't think the degree would be considered an asset). I was thinking prepaying tuition, but buying a future right should count as an asset in the spirit of the challenge.
This is pretty simple. I would buy $29,999,900 worth of art (pink board, I'm looking at you). And use the remaining $100 on fire making supplies (wood, lighter fluid, etc). Then I would have the worlds greatest bonfire! And laugh at all the dark frame glasses wearing fucks crying in the streets as the things they love so much burn to the ground.
I would pay 100,000 people $300 each to learn and perform a tribute to me in the centre of the city. Not sure of the details, it would involve dancing, a song that sounds good when chanted by 100,000 people and funny costumes. Better yet, imagine what you could do with 1000 people who'd do anything for $30,000. "Carnage" would be an appropriate descriptor. And Facebook would make this very easy to organise. Now that I think of it, I could just start the facebook page now with the same premise and see how many people turn up.
That would count as an asset. So what I would do it buy it, then on day 29 get a group of Ferrari lovers in a stadium, and then blow the thing up. Them being so pissed off that you blew up a priceless classic would be pretty funny.
I'll go around asking women I've always wanted to sleep with, if they would have sex with me for a hundred thousand dollars, if they say no I'll offer them half a million. It would be a win because I would be bedding women I've always wanted to sleep with and it would also be a win because I would finally be able to prove to the world, that all women are really whores. The alt focus should really be, What would you do with the 300 million? If I ever manage to get my hands on 300 million, I'll definitely set up my own country, some small island somewhere, yep, that would be nice.
Destruction of assets also violates the rules. Spoiler However, the purchase and mailing of a rare stamp does not count as destruction.
What if you bought the 30mil car, didn't insure it and it got stolen while unlocked with the keys in it in the shittiest part of town you can find? On focus: The huge parties are a definate, however it would be shocking how little they would eat up of the 30 million. I assume the bank isn't holding it interest free either. What if you buy tons of fine wine and a bottle is left in the end? Thats an asset. Getting rid of all this money would be harder than I think I would like. Buy a Kentuckey Derby winner and make him into glue, and use the glue to seal the box with it's head to some one I don't like. Buy tickets for everyone I know to watch Scooter fuck Circe of So-lays. Can I sell things at a poor profit? - purchase lots of houses and sell them for a $1.00? Since Paris was mentioned I'll take Linsey Lohan and see if for 3 mil she can get Verne Troyer completely in her vagina. (I likely have to pay Verne 6) and make it a free PPV on adult channels. Buy 10 million worth of salt and create and large inland tropical fish park.......but only enough that it'll all die by 30 days in.
This is a piece of cake. Give away the 10% you are allowed to in the first week, leaving you with $27,000,000. Then you hire 5400 women, preferably naked, to jump on a trampoline all day in your backyard/local sports venue for $5,000 each.
I actually don't know about this one. It could be considered waste/destruction under the rules, or lost might count as not having it any more. But, you also still have a legal right to the car if it's found, so who knows. I think a sale substantially below market value would constitute a gift under the rules. This shit is harder than it sounds, right? Probably why it was such a good movie.
They made him show all his receipts in the movie so I imagine that having an asset stolen still counts as it being yours. You bought it. In the movie he rented a ton of stuff for 30 days so the receipts never had an actual asset purchase on them.
You could buy 30 different very expensive cars and drive each for only a day and then sell them. The value of each will have depreciated, and depreciation doesn't count as waste in the rules of the movie.