Parker I'll do the jokes, okay? And that woman looks like a tranny. She sucks, but there is far worse out there. Just search "Design The Skyline" on YouTube and soon you will drop directly into Xanadu.
Y'all reckon Durbanite finally snapped? (CNN)Thousands of people have sought refuge in temporary shelters in South Africa after mobs with machetes attacked immigrants in the city of Durban, leaving at least five people dead, an aid group said Thursday.
Speaking of Ridiculousness, my brother-in-law did something a few years ago, on camera, that landed him on an upcoming episode. April 30 is when it airs. The producers contacted him, he signed permission for them to use the video and I think that's the date they gave him. He's overseas with the army and I'm supposed to record it for him. Perhaps those that watch can guess which one is him? One hint, he was an 18 year old hillbilly at the time of the video.. I love to watch the show. Sure, when I was younger, I did a ton of shit that could get me on it. I was smart enough to get none of it on film. I have the memories, that's all I need.
Y'all come in, er, I mean, to Georgia!
Holy Fuckin' Shit. These girls kick major ass. And yes, I'd say the same thing about boys their age, just fucking incredible.
I'm at a one day conference today at Bethpage, overlooking the black course. I've got a collared shirt, I'm sure they won't mind if I play in wing tips swinging a broom handle. Working against me are my conservative earth tone khakis. Where's John Daly when I need him?
Hah. Fuckin amateurs. I give you Tool, by middle schoolers. Drummer, Bass, and Singer will all be professionals some day.
Fucking bassist and the drummer held down that song like bosses. Danny and Justin would be fucking proud.
Fucking hell. Wasn't a fan of the Metallica cover, but holy shit that Tool performance was un. fucking. believable. I feel so inadequate all of a sudden.