Never been. I've been on the Finger Lakes ferry in NY and the giant ChiChiman on Lake Huron. I was hoping Mississippi ferries would have gambling and men in crisp white suits named Big Daddy Pappy VonPappy.
So, a rapper tried to kill himself. But first, he cut off his penis. Then jumped off the balcony. But he lived. And now he has no penis. I think he's going to be even more depressed. Oh and they say hard drugs weren't involved.
Why does alcohol make me want to eat junk? Why oh why? I want to walk down to the drug store and get air heads, twizzlers, chocolate. Not even picky at this point.
As a woman, do you eat a greasy-ass breakfast if hungover? So many women I know take part in this ritual. Men do it too, but it seems to effect women way more from what I've seen.
Yes. Migas with extra cheese and super warm buttery tortillas and one egg on top over easy. Then queso.
I can't do that. The only thing I have an appetite for after too much of The Creature is two cans of Coke and a pack of headache powder. That's my hangover cure, and it works amazingly well. I'm the breakfast maker here, and on the rare occasion she drinks she want fried eggs, bacon, and other things whose smell makes me pray for death if Im hungover too.
I'm old. Anymore I just drink enough to get a pleasant buzz. I don't get rip roaring drunk, I hydrate before, and drink a gatorade on the way home, and prefer not to ever wake up with a hangover. Yuck.
I'm not exactly a spring chicken, but not being hungover means I failed to accomplish something in life. It's one of those things you gotta do if you want to keep calling yourself a man. Or, I could drink straight liquor to avoid that. However Id probably drink too fast and I'd rather be hungover than blackout. Nothing's freakier than waking up to a game of "How the hell did I get back here?!?!" come morning (Orr afternoon).
Re: Re: 4/11/14 WDT NSFW If I stick to beer my hangovers are getting better and better, if I don't rip through a case I usually feel OK in the morning, hot shower and 2 Tylenol and I am good to go.
Migas is not what I consider a shit meal. It's got everything you need: meat, cheese, beans, tortillas, eggs, salsa. Wonderful. That is the stuff one should eat as a hangover. Especially anything spicy. What people actually eat is a 4 day old toquito from the 7-11 downed with a side of bacon cheese fries. You're still sick? You don't say. Even after $15 worth of McDonald's breakfast? Key to a hangover remedy is spice, aspirin, water, nap. My hangovers don't leave me too sick, they leave me tired because I cannot sleep drunk. 3-4 hours and I'm up. Rest of the day is miserable. There was an article some time ago that alcohol drops your sugar which triggers hunger receptors in your brain. Weed too, but without the blood sugar reduction. SCIENCE. I think the stupor makes you choose unhealthy eating habits.
This is the case with me, too. If I drink plenty of water while I am drinking then I won't be in pain the next day, but I can usually only manage 5-6 hours of sleep and won't be able to fall asleep for a nap the next day. When I have been hungover eating a greasy breakfast with scrambled eggs would make me feel better for an hour or two, but then the hangover just comes back.
Question for you of my coworkers did something underhanded then lied about it. It involves me, but I wasn't the one who confronted her and heard her "story" (aka lies) firsthand. My manager did, he knows she lied, and documented it in her file. So, a part of me wants to call her on it simply so she knows that she isn't getting away with it with me, another part of me knows that it will be a complete waste of my time as I am sure that she will, once again, put her "spin" on it. She gave me a backhanded, half hearted "I'm sorry" at the insistence of my manager who told her that she owed me an apology, however it was at at time when I was walking into a patient's room so she knew there would be no discussion about it. I told her that we would discuss it later after which she avoided me. While I don't enjoy confrontation, I don't avoid it either. But I know it will be pretty ineffective and end up in a pissing match with her saying what happened and me correcting her with what actually did happen, it is pretty much her MO. So I don't know if I should just let the powers that be handle it or say my peace and endure the frustration.
I'd probably say something along the lines of "I know this happened - don't let it happen again" (some variation) and not give her an opportunity to speak. When she started I'd just keep talking (trust me, she'd be listening) and then walk.
That's probably the best way to handle it, just a "we both know how things happened, and I will not tolerate that happening again." I know she'll try to talk her way out of it, but I think a short "this needs no further discussion" should suffice. On the hangover note, I am a traditional coffee and advil gal. I think I have finally learned that all the greasy food that sounds so fantastic is just a bad bad idea.
Just tell her you think she’s a Muppet then treat her with cold professional courtesy from that moment on. Even if you work in a draconian PC shithole, you can get away with calling someone a "Muppet". Then just wait until the next time she shits the bed and throw her straight under the bus.
I showed my daughter Who Framed Roger Rabbit tonight. It blows my mind this movie is 25 years old, it could still probably still win visual effects awards. Plus, it's an awesome movie. She's hooked on it instantly and angrily demanded to watch it again. Except for Judge Doom's eyes. That part scared the piss out of her.
She is a fucking Muppet, if I get specific and call her Miss Piggy is that verging onto offensive? And throwing her under the bus? Gloves are off motherfucker....but she'll dig her own grave.