I remember when Taco Bell made bowls, that we're just rice, beans, steak, and cheese. They were glorious when it was 2 am and I was drunk and walking back to my place from the bars in college. They don't even make them anymore, which is probably good. As great as they were at 2 am, they were just as awful about 10 hours later. As for hangovers, I've never had one. Not that I haven't tried. Worst was when I drank a bottle and a half of rum over the course of about 7 hours, and promptly passed out with the room spinning and a bucket of my own puke next to me. The next morning I had to drive home from the party, which was about a 2 hour drive. After 10 hours of sleep, I ate three waffles and was feeling great. I expected to have to crash at my friends house another day, but apparently I have an amazing metabolism for booze and drugs. The downside is that medications don't work for shit on me. Painkillers do nothing. Half of a Norco knocks my wife on her ass. I took 4 when I had kidney stones and they didn't touch the pain. Then I went to the hospital and got morphine. Still, only a minimal effect. It takes a lot for pain meds to do anything for me. Advil and Tylenol might as we'll be sugar pills.
Jeff Francoeur got punked for a whole month, the AAA club convinced him one of the pitchers was deaf. I met Jeff once, he seemed like a nice guy but also a bit off, I could see how this prank could go on that long. Nice job by the whole team in keeping it going. EDIT: fixed
The famous bowl gave us this bit of genius, and I for one am forever grateful: Now where's my lunch gun...
I'm glad I've never gone to KFC much at all, I remember seeing those bowls and stuff in ads and praying in advance for my bowels. Again I'm just glad I've never had one, never been there much. The local Taco Bell on the other hand is a dangerous trap to fall into. It's a bright neon oasis in the dark of night when you are intoxicated and have a sober driver around, like a stoned fly drifting towards a zapper of nacho cheese. BAM! Before you know it, you're waking up the morning after to your guts bubbling and trying to say "fuck you man!" before you race to the bathroom. So... how did that plan work out for ya?
It was a hot sunny day yesterday so one of my friend's volunteered a pair of shorts for me because I had jeans, with out knowing of my plight. I used wet wipes to scrub myself clean and went commando with my belt cinching these way oversized cargo shorts on my body.
Man, there is no middle ground in this company. People are either brilliant (like me) or dumb as bricks. A girl here is going on her honeymoon at the end of the year, traveling to Switzerland, Czech Republic, Austria, Belgium and France. One of the idiots got all excited for her and said "Oh that sounds so exciting! Are you taking a cruise??" Yes. She's taking a cruise. To a bunch of landlocked countries that are surrounded by mountains.
Are there any KFC's left in the cities? All of the ones around where I live have been replaced by Popeye's. I don't know if that's good or bad, because I really like Popeye's spicy chicken tenders. Weeeeelllll, she could be taking a cruise ship across the ocean instead of flying. Did you ever consider that, Ms. Brilliant?
You may be right but in her defense they could start in the Czech Republic, travel through Austria and Switzerland en-route to France and then take an awesome cruise around the Iberian Pinensula to Belgium. That'd be a trip. However based on that reaction she sounds like the type to wonder if Austria is a real country or not. "Isn't that a city in Texas?" My girlfriend wants to visit Europe for a honeymoon. She studied abroad in Italy for a bit and did some traveling and wants to go back. Not the worst idea, if you ask me. Are there any KFC's left in the cities? All of the ones around where I live have been replaced by Popeye's. I don't know if that's good or bad, because I really like Popeye's spicy chicken tenders. Yes but none around me in 'ol Nordeast. We already have our share of food options. Got a takeout feast from Crescent Moon on Saturday night, give that place a try if you haven't yet and want something a little different.
Nice little cruise down the Rhine River, jeez, read a book. I can think of two within a mile or two of me. I dont think those two chains overlap cause they are addressing different cultural target markets. Regardless, I havent been to a KFC since college where I got their 5 buck box and thought I was going to die after eating half of it. My stomach just about gave up and said "fuck this".
KFC had to join forces with Taco Bell to stay in business around here, they are one in this city and sooner or later like Burger King will go bankrupt.
So I guess you haven't been informed of the Trans-Europe Hovercraft Express? Fully capable on land, sea AND air. Just like the Shark-Bee.
Well they are owned by YUM! Brands. They began doing the duel stores awhile back to capitalize on real estate cost efficiencies and encouraging customers to double up purchases. Its actually an interesting case study.
I think it's funny that its those two in particular because they are the very worst of a bad thing. If you eat regularly at KFC you hate yourself and want to die. That's where Benicio Del Toro ate to get his sexy build for Fear and Loathing (fact) he said "It took a lot sooner than I thought to get that fat." Taco Bell, most of us have to be blackout drunk to consider it. It's like AIDS teaming up with Rabies to create some sort of hyper-deadly clusterfuck that holds a higher state of consciousness. In your country, KFC is to chicken what Domino's is to pizza: the last resort. It's what you get when you don't have enough gas or money to get the other ones.
No city named Austria, but there is an Austrian consulate in Houston. There are a bunch of weird names though: http://frecklescassie.wordpress.com/2008/01/11/weird-names-for-texas-towns/