If anybody ever goes on a shooting rampage at Westboro, as long as they only kill adults, they will be greeted with a tickertape parade down 5th avenue, like the astronauts of old.
I guess it shows big news does not care about facts anymore. Yesterday it wasn't just one source saying a dozen were killed, it was several. That means that big-time news networks don't even do MINIMAL research before reporting it nationally. Sad stuff.
These kind of things are why I prefer to wait before reading about recent events. All these news outlets rush to throw out a story to the public before finding out what actually happened. The truth, or at least a clearer picture will usually come out eventually, no need to obsess over every little speculative detail immediately.
I hate being lumped in the conspiracy theory crowd, but I hate some stupid coincidences about the bombing yesterday and the stock market. Two days ago congress repealing the congressional insider trading act which allows them to trade based on insider knowledge which includes items of national security. Gold making the largest 2 day drop in the past 30 years. The market going 250+ points in the red yesterday on no negative news and before the bombing even took place. Today the futures pointing to a HUGE rebound basically reversing the losses of yesterday. All of these items may have just happened with no relation to one another, but it wouldn't be a bad idea for someone to look into any unusual trading in the past few weeks.
I call it twitter reporting. Must get any and all information on screen in hopes of breaking the information first. That's how you get dozens dead and Saudi in custody.
This is a good point. There is now a new thread for all of this conversation. Same rules apply, obviously.
On a lighter note. A French scientist is saying that bras can be harmful to women's natural "suspension" system. He's encouraging women to go braless. This man is a hero. http://www.reuters.com/article/2013/04/12/us-france-bras-idUSBRE93B0Y020130412
As long as they do a few workouts to keep those puppies perky, I am down. Unless they're just of a glorious size, then whatever.
The article starts with his credentials in the matter: Nobody knows me, and I have spent around 40 years studying the busts of well over 300 women. So, understand that I am completely qualified to oversee this research project I am proposing. We have such a rich cross section of intelligent and attractive women that are members of TiB, I feel like we owe it to science to do this. It's a simple study, really. 1) Sometime within the two weeks, remove your top and bra and post two pictures of your breasts in the boobie thread (or, a mod could set up a new thread for the study) - one front, one side view 2) If you normally wear one, for the next month, do not wear a bra. After 30 days, update the photos. 3) If you normally don't wear a bra, for the next month, do wear one and after 30 days, update the photos. I think if we all take this seriously, we could probably score a research grant for Kojak.
Be careful with that. I was in Nice when I was 18 years old and was just giddy. I was on French Riviera on July 14, 1989 and the town was going nuts for the upcoming celebration and I couldn't wait to get on the beach, my teenaged American mind awash in visions of hot French topless girls. Alas, the French have ugly fat people, too.
Fortunately (at least from what I've seen) Fat Girls with high self esteem don't hang it out very often up here. It's not as common as Europe or Cuba.