Dude, I don't know what I'm saying, it's the Drunk Thread. If anything, I'm just saying that I hope Nitwit doesn't post a million videos of any of these artists.
ghetto, relax dude. Like he said it's the Drunk thread and everyone flips everyone shit exploiting whatever weakness we can find. That's how it works.
wait, the drunk thread isnt the tech help/ recipe/ youtube video/ what i'm currently listening to thread? shit, color me outside the lines
Going with the boyfriend to look at cars. I predict a long-ass month ahead as he will probably research this to death (awesome, but I really don't think it affects me that much and I don't care what he gets).
Nudity and film: a survey American films: may contain sex scenes, but rarely actual nudity. Intercourse usually performed with underwear on. When a woman gets out of bed post-coitus, she is inexplicably already dressed. French films: nothing happens for a long fucking time, there is a sex scene that may or not contain nudity. After the woman gets out of bed post-coitus, there is almost certainly nipple being shown, potentially some bush. German films: tantalizes with the prospect of female nudity, then BAM! Male genitalia and fat man-ass, for your viewing pleasure. In unrelated news I have been a grouchy angry panda the last few weeks. Know why? I'm moving in July. I have three monhs to plan this out. I am profoundly uncomfortable planning anything more than a week in advance, it makes me inexplicably nervous and anxious. Last year I had 48 hours to pack up my life for what turned out to be 4 months. Now? I get to sit around and do paperwork and shop for a mortgage and know that everyone I meet or interact with has an expiration date.
I heard a filthy rumour that it's going to be 22 degrees tomorrow (and feel like 26). Holy shitsnacks. It hasn't been above 20 in this country since October. I'm giddy as a schoolgirl! Add to this the fact that I made a batch of potstickers tonight that caused the boyfriend to make his O-face, and everything's coming up Angel.
I live in Texas. I am literally ashamed that we have a place named "West." So how do you describe where you live in town? "Yeah I live in Northwest West"? All the sudden you got a stutter. Damn hillbillies. On a more serious note, I heard a nursing home next to the plant collapsed, and that a bunch of the residents are trapped/buried inside. If there's already 100+ injured, then that number surely will rise. And probably the death toll too. This shit just got real. And also they're increasingly concerned about a secondary explosion, and the FAA just sent news choppers away because of that.
Feels like it's a good week to be an anti-human piece of shit fucking terrorist. I'm leaving for Afghanistan at the end of the month. Hopefully my communications expertise can help bring some of these fuckin bastards down. God dammit, the last week makes me almost viscerally sick.
Today started with me being presumed to be a terrorist* and ended with me meeting two porn stars, so I guess it all balanced out in the end. The two girls were Tessa Lane, who has scissored with one of my favorite porn stars: and Nikki Nirvana: NSFW *And since I know someone will yell at me for not elaborating: Last week I found a bag in my subway station and saw from the wallet that it was a high school girl's. So I called her school to ask if I could drop it off and they said yes, but since I was out of town last weekend I couldn't drop it off until today. But, apparently, the staff of a high school doesn't take too kindly to strangers trying to drop off bags two days after bombs go off in Boston and two hours after students tried to pull of a bomb threat and lit a bathroom on fire. So, I was held for 45 minutes while they were trying to decide whether or not I was some kind of threat until I really needed to get to work and just left with this stupid bag still in hand because they wouldn't let me leave it. Dumb.
Potash is the stuff they use in IEDs with Diesel fuel (I think), which is the base of potassium fertilizer. If a plant of that stuff blew up, Fuck. It may as well have been housing magnesium. It will vaporize EVERYTHING around it.
Almost certainly not foul play. Apparently there were 20 tonnes of anhydrous ammonia on site, which ignites and explodes on contact with air and has to be stored in pressure tanks. Even an infinitesimal leak in one of those tanks would make that shit go up like the 4th of July. Plants like this usually have a decent amount of security, from multiple fences to CCTV to patrolling nightwatchmen, for obvious reasons, so it would be a lot more difficult to plant an explosive device inside the plant than it would at, say, a crowded event like the Marathon. Add to that that Anhydrous Ammonia is stored in rounded tanks - like so - which are 0.24" (an iphone's worth) thick and constructed out of steel. You'd have to place a shaped charge of military-grade explosives to punch through that shit, something which demands a HELL of a lot more technical know-how than the pressure-cooker bombs at Boston, which probably wouldn't have done shit. Also, the timeline of the explosion doesn't fit a terrorist MO as it doesn't maximise casualties. 8.50 at night is not a good time to set off a bomb, as the streets are virtually deserted and there was probably almost no one at the plant. If this were a terrorist attack they'd almost certainly have detonated any IED they had during school hours. That school 250m away is just too choice a target to miss. Also: Sounds like a tragic accident with really unfortunate timing.