Uh...no. I think I'll go do something I'm good at...meeting the neighbors. There's a group sitting outside their room roasting a deer or something. What could possibly go wrong?
I hope they let the deer wear sunglasses, that way when they cut deep with the jokes you won't see the tears well up.
You guys is crazy. The Evil Dead remake is awesome. I'm 37 next month. I'm talking random shit. Mitt Romney sounds like a brain disorder. I like 'The Mindy Project'. I may be drunkened.
I am really fond of this word but I get looks when I use it. Apparently that is up there on list of profane words. Whatever. Cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt.
That word has much more power over here than Europe. If you yell it in a bar here, EVERY female in the place will look at you like you charbroiled a puppy right in front of them.
I think it depends on the context. For example, if I get pissed and call my wife a cunt, I'm probably gonna be jacking off for a few weeks.
I prefer the word "cunt" over the word "penis". Fuck, what an awful word. Peeeeeenis. It just sounds so whiny.
I don't understand people who hate that word. Maybe it's a British thing, but everything is a cunt. I burnt breakfast this morning-wasn't my fault, the toaster is a cunt. We all came from cunts (unless you're caesarian, in which case you're a non cunt kind of cunt, and I cant spell that word), so we are products of cunts. Crawl out, climb in. We all want the cunt, and most times, the cunt we want is attached to a cunt. Except when it's not. Then it's something else. But it will become a cunt. Cunty cunt cunt. Cunt.
Drinking neat scotchy scotch and listening to this song: Spoiler While chanting "USA! USA! USA!" at the tv. ... I know it's meant as a joke but it's actually a really good song.
Well this is cool...I now have something fun to do tomorrow. Ride around and help serve warrants. Seriously. No, I can't open my mouth or brandish a weapon, I just get to stand there and look menacing.
Of ALL the ways I expected your night to go down, that was probably last on my list of options. You never fail to surprise me.