Its becoming much more fashionable. Many Bourbon producers are making rye now as well. If you're interested, check out Bulleit.
I wouldn't be so sure about that, ghetto. This shit looks foul. If you're going to drink rye whiskey, you've got to try Forty Creek. It's delicious.
I love my wife, but holy shit, that woman is physically and mentally incapable of taking me (or anyone) at their word for something. Drives me fucking insane. The following exchanges have happened all tonight. Wife: Hey, do we have any tape? Me: No, I used the last of it to wrap our nephew's present. Wife: Can you look for some? Me: ugh... sure *I look for 20 minutes in every place we might possibly keep tape, find none* Me: Nope, we're out. I looked everywhere. Wife: Did you look in the Den? Me: Yes. Wife: The closet? Me: Yes. Wife: Kitchen drawers? Me: Yes. Everywhere. Everywhere we would keep tape. Wife: I KNOW WE HAVE TAPE! *Wife spends 45 minutes searching the house, finds no tape* Wife: We're out of tape. Me: No... fucking... shit. Then, two hours later. Wife: Hey, where did we put that "Happy Birthday" banner. Me: We didn't buy it. We got the giant Dora poster so we decided against it. Wife: I could have sworn we bought it. I think its in the den, can you look? Me: Okay. *I search the den for 15 minutes* Me: Nope, not in there. Wife: I know I put it in there, damn it! *Wife spends 30 minutes searching the den, finds nothing* Wife: Oh, I guess we didn't buy it. Me: I swear to god its like you WANT me to divorce you and take half your shit.
Our den can be best described as "room we never use so we throw all our shit in there." Currently, there is my daughter's old crib, a bunch of the toys and clothes that the kid has already outgrown, a desktop computer that hasn't been turned on in almost two years, a desk that never gets used because the room is a disaster, a TV not hooked up to anything, pictures we haven't had a chance to hang back on the walls since we painted, and three completely packed bookshelves. That doesn't count the shit in the closet. The plan is to clean it out once the summer gets here and I am off, because it's going to take at least a few hours to clean it out, and find a place for all that shit.
Diet Dr. Pepper & vodka rocks. Sucks to be you with no tape. But really? It's like 3/$1 at the Dollar store. And I would do Chatum Tanning in a heartbeat. Magic Mike was one of the studiestestsy (is that w word, don't care, drunk threadh) but I wish guys like here were built like that!
Well what do you want him to do, refuse? She'll just give him the same line my parents used to give me. Spoiler As long as you live under my roof...
Update: Came home a little bit ago to find out that some kids, presumably from the same apartment, were shooting at our house with airsoft guns. From what we've been told, it sounds like they shot out the exterior lights along the driveway, then came outside and threw rocks at the lights they couldn't hit from their window. Some other neighbors called the cops, but the kids ran before the cops could get them. Seems too coincidental not to be in retaliation for us asking them (relatively) politely last night to stop having band practice at 1am.
I'm about 30 min away from dirty women showing up at my house. By dirty I mean I'm paying for cool shit to happen. I'm not proud. then again on Saturday I have a date that looks to be good. There is no way to justify this, and sadly i don't care. I need it and i'm not in a relationship so this works right?
Yeah, once they resort to vandalism and airsoft guns / shooting at things in general, it's time for the owner of this apartment (or whatever governing council the apartments have) to be contacted and for police involvement. Being shithead college kids is no excuse for breaking your lights. At this point, they will ALWAYS suck anyway so might as well put the cops onto them and make their lives miserable until they decide either to leave you alone and change their behaviour or move somewhere else. Maybe I just hate people.
I think it's a sliding scale, extra for each tooth beyond the third that hasn't been lost to a meth addiction. Maybe I'm just an optimist.
Document for a while. Record the shenanigans. Then bring to apartment management. Or play dirty and cut the brake lines on their car(s). I like the latter, because I loathe ignorant assholes. Seriously, I would've lost my fucking mind by now.
Adam Carolla has a rant about this, his wife does the same thing. He said he learned to answer once, then ignore any follow-up questions. You gotta stop this habit now because if you indulge every time you're just going to be fucked.
I just can't wrap my head around how my friends sit down and watch golf on TV, I mean I love the game but watching it? Puts me right to sleep. Anyway here's this NSFW