I'm drunk enough that I just imagined other people want to prove me drunk to take away my clearance, and my ability to talk to cleared people. Now, if you agree with that, say yes for the entire bad-blood, asshole survey... If you get it, that is....
I'm naked, baking these: <a class="postlink" href="http://missfats.wordpress.com/2013/02/27/buttery-lemon-cream-cheese-coffee-cake-two-ways/" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://missfats.wordpress.com/2013/02/2 ... -two-ways/</a> Somewhere, Paula Deen just sprang awake with a clit boner and didn't know why.
I think that may be the only city in your country that I already knew that yet have never been close to the place. 100% negative reviews.
I almost brought home another cat last night. After dinner we stopped by PetsMart to pick up a few toys for my kitty. Of COURSE, I HAVE to look at the kitties up for adoption from the local organizations/SPCA. I fell in love with a 3 year old kitty named Frankie and was way too close to bringing him home. New rule: I am not allowed to go to any kind of pet store or shelter alone. I WILL come back with a cat and become one step closer to Forever Alone Crazy Cat Lady.
It's rare that someone finds a way to make me want to vomit without resorting to poop eating videos. Paula Deen's clit boner did it, though.
I think "YOLO" may be the only pop culture abbreviation more irritating than "BBW". Actually, scratch that. No it isn't.
Frankly I'm surprised Parker hasn't made a contribution to this thread. Given how badly his team got rolled last night I would assume that he soothed his anguish with alcohol like a good TiB'er.
My dad once made me promise that I'd never writer letters to anyone in prison. I've always thought this was really amusing, and I asked him about it recently because I really wanted to know what the context was that worried him enough about this possibility to make me promise that, but he didn't remember and just laughed in my face for a while instead.
I'm so glad I didn't know what YOLO meant, so I googled it. Urban dictionary restores some faith in humanity for calling out that stupidity. YOLO on urban dictionary
Jesus H. Christ... Last night I was out drinking with a friend and we both drank the exact same amounts, drinking the same beers and everything. I was tired so he offered to drive home. I knew that I was good, and just figured that he should have been too, but apparently I was wrong. He looked fine, drove fine, and talked fine, but we got stopped at a check point and he had to take a breathalizer. Dude blew a .14. I was asked to step from the car to ascertain whether I could safely drive home or if they needed to have my car picked up. I blew a .00. I know hes a lot smaller than I am, but seriously, was he sneaking shots or something? Fuck.
Possible scenario, you are immune to alcohol because your body regenerates like wolverine's or that chick from heroes, jump off a water tower to test. Most likely scenario, he pre-gamed a lot.