Weather sucks today. Perfect for staying in and recording some music. I think I get off on hearing myself sing harmony with myself.
Did you not post a photo of several girls touching your hair like its the Shroud Of Turin on here not long ago?
I'm having one of those days at work where I can't focus for shit, I just keep jumping between a bunch of websites not ever finish articles on any of them.
It's not a one-shot mistake. He's also been referring to his black opponent as "boy," effusively praises his white opponents, and referred to his Brazilian opponents as having grown up selling monkey meat and running around the jungle with a blow dart. It's a schtick.
Yeah. People that I knew and had been drinking with. However: They were not massively huge and physically intimidating. I was not (am not?) a woman. I was not a black woman -- the relationship between black women and their hair is seriously loaded. I wasn't doing my job. My job wasn't to be on television, where I have to make a quick decision between being "angry, defensive interviewer" and being belittled on camera. Even the thing with me could be a little bit iffy, but I was generally alright with it in context. What this dude did is a whole different scenario.
Wait, what are you trying to say here I'm not really following...? That he's some sort of unrepentant racist for wanting to touch a black females hair? Or some sort of misogynist for using his physicality to belittle a woman on camera? Both? He's got some charisma but little originality as he tries to be a Muhammad Ali-light with none of the same level of skill to back it up. All I saw was a guy known for acting goofy use irreverence to dodge a lame question asked simply to stir controversy, which unfortunately in todays media is the MO over you know substantive... well anything. Also, this man is my hero:
If you don't understand why black women's hair is a big deal, I advise spending some time with the good ol' google here. There's a whole lot of background with white people exoticizing or regulating black hair, and also acting like they can just go up and touch it, like the person is some kind of petting zoo. And it's fucked up to do that to someone who is trying to do their job. No one asks to touch Hannah Storm's hair. Given Sonnen's history, he probably knows what he's doing, and this is part of him essentially turning heel.
I am honestly not aware of the eroticizing part, if it doesn't pop up on the most popular tab of I might be ignorant of it. I do know black women do go through quite a bit of trouble to maintain the hairstyles that are popular today (see Chris Rocks doc on this). I don't see either in Sonnen's intentions in that video. I see him not sticking to the standard media blitz script because he is promoting his goofy persona. If his actions came off as racist or mysoginist I don't see that in his intentions....
And I meant exoticizing, which admittedly might not be a real word. Essentially, treating black hair as if it's an aberrant phenomenon and "oh my god will you look at that!" If you ask black women who have natural hair styles, this "oh my god can I touch it?" experience is pretty common to them. It's not so much this one instance per se with Sonnen, it's that he's been doing eyebrow-raising stuff like this for 10 years. None of them "No I won't fight that darkie," just a lot of wink wink nudge nudge that makes me think he's in on it.
Jack Nicholson is 76 today, and is still so cool he doesn't even have to look at you to tell you to fuck off.
Well, at least he didn't sexually assault her in front of her dad. Partly cloudy with a chance of bubbles.
The girl whose office is directly next to mine with our desks seperated only by what must be a paper thin wall insists on going to see patients while her cell phone is on a setting i can only imagine is labeled as LOUD. And her voicemail notification is her young kids (note the multiple here) all saying (screaming over the top of each other) "I love you mommy". Being replayed over And over Shoot me please.
I can totally sympathize. The girl next to me in this office (also with tissue paper walls) must leave her phone next to a bullhorn, and whenever it rings, it sounds like a fairy song bazooka has blasted through the left side of my face. Her ringtone defies all definition--both in volume and type. It's what I imagine nuclear apocalypse sounds like if it originated from a unicorn's colon. In other news, today is my last day at this company and this is probably the last post I'll make here from this office. 5 years gone by, and on to new (and significantly better) things. Time to open every NSFW tag I can.
Well then, bon voyage. Here's a parting gift. And, I really should add this . . . from Russia with love - thank God the cold war is over. Beautiful Russian gal wearing the stars & stripes.