This is kind of silly, but it makes me smirk pretty regularly: <a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"></a>
Just found out who/what Macklemore is. And god damn does he look like my girlfriends brother. The resemblance is frightening.
What? Spoiler What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What?
The weather is nice and the sundresses are out, its one of my favorite days of the year. Btw, its been recommended to me that I go to yoga. I comprehend yoga is good for mindfulness, relaxation, joint strength (which as a goalie I can't have enough of), boners, etc. But unless I'm going there with a girl who I'm currently having relations with or trying to have relations with I can't do it. Its just too odd. Any guys here ever go to yoga by themselves? And by themselves I mean go without threat of a g/f withholding sex if they don't go?
I went to classes for three weeks in December when I broke my nose and couldn't spar for a while. I liked it, but I got bored pretty quick. You should go for two reasons: 1. It's full of chicks. Very flexible chicks. In weird positions. In yoga pants. 2. The other guys there are about as manly as poodles. There's no competition. None. Or, if you want more socially acceptable stuff, check anything by Ido Portal. It's more intense than yoga and requires more agility and strength. It's really helped me improve my mobility and my flexibility, and I'm getting better at chin-up/dip/l-sit variations almost daily. He's got a few tutorials on his Youtube channel, it's worth checking out. Spoiler
The University of Connecticut just updated their mascot. Apparently to this retarded, feminist student, the new logo promotes sexual assaults. I couldn't imagine dating someone who writes this to the UConn president. Bullshit letter
They wanted it more aggressive looking (apparently to rape women) and NIKE updated theirs and a few other schools also.
Must.... not... fall.. into... trap.... WFKGJHDKSKLLSKSKKDFFDDFUCKYOUIFUCKINGHATEYOUANDALLYOUSTANDFORYOUNUMBCUNT What in crikey-fuck is an "anti-imperial feminism" and why is there more than one? Does it involve furiously scissoring with other like-minded mongoloids (I mean let's face it, this woman clearly hates men and will never touch one, unless she's roped some poor shill into being her doormat) while watching excerpts from Star Wars of Princess Leia being a badass? Not the bit with the Jabba-kini though, that's demeaning and sexist. Fuck this. I'm gonna go read Hemingway's Men Without Women.
Tom your post is offensive and promotes rape culture. We are an inferior genre, meant to be extinct. And heterosexual intercourse is heresy.
Hey, have you guys heard of this thing called "literacy"? It's a really cool invention, you should give it a try. Because if you actually read the article - rather than just get irrationally angry - you'l find she's not actually saying that the husky logo in and of itself promotes rape and rape culture. We can debate the merits of whether she's right or wrong but for fuck's sakes if you're going to sit there and pretend to be sooooo much smarter than she is, the least you could do is actually read and understand what she wrote.
I do agree people should read it before bagging on it. On the other hand, having read it, it's still pretty ridiculous. But then, I often find arguments based on "Why are you doing X and not Y?" to be pretty ridiculous when applied to large institutions or groups that can multitask.
I don't even want to look at that fucking piece of shit. And fuck the campus' woman's center. Bunch of angry, self-righteous cunts that actively try to get frats thrown off campus simply because they promote a "threatening culture." Not to mention every year I was there they held some bullshit candlelight march to protest male violence against women and rape. The woman that ran it my senior year? Pictures surfaced of her loving the shit out of a gangbang she was having with the football team. Idiots.
Obviously she didn't say that the logo itself promotes rape, but then why bring up the logo at all in that mess of a letter? Also, the UConn players she mentions in the article, one had his charges dropped and the other was arrested for passing out by a boat on spring break (apparently the boat was female).
Why would you bother asking illiterates if they can read, in writing? Regardless, I merely quoted the opener because I was responding to the article. Yes, the article isn't about the logo promoting rape culture, it's actually whining about the fact that the President should be more concerned with two incidents (which read as trivial even in her quotes) of evil men maltreating saintly women which apparently indicate an endemic malaise within "male athletic peer culture at UConn". Never mind the fact that there are, what, 30,000 students at UConn, so assuming that 1 in 100 is part of the athletics teams and it's split roughly 60/40 by gender that gives us "approximately 1% of male athletes at UConn have been involved in an argument with a girl which escalated slightly". A dire situation indeed. It's an endemic problem which requires an immediate solution. I advocate chemical castration for all involved. The point is, aside from the website itself, which is a rabbit hole I refuse to delve into, even disregarding the basic, retarded, self-serving fallacy of her argument every inch of that letter's print is designed to make a rational person's blood boil. "On behalf of my feminist foremothers"? Go fuck yourself. "I write to you as a Uconn woman and a feminist"... do I get to start my letters with "I write to you as a white man and a masculist"? That'd go down well, I'm sure. This is precisely the type of mouth-breathing fucknut who will go on in life to winge about how the male-dominated, patriarchal corporate culture is denying her a lucrative job. News flash, honey, you're working at the Hippie Coffee Commune serving tall lattes because your joke degree in "Women’s Gender and Sexuality Studies and Spanish and minoring in Latino/a Studies" isn't worth the fucking paper it's printed on.
The logo's rebranding efforts to her I guess are superficial to real problems she sees. Colleges pull this shit all the time though. Happened at Cincy while I was there. New president came in and introduced he "21" program which sounds a lot like the article's “New University Visual Identity Program” which included rebranding the University. They spent 30k italicizing the old C-paw to the new more aggressive one. She then promptly fired Bob Huggins for his shenanigans. As much as everyone hated her the basketball team got much less thuggish and were arrested quite a bit less under our current coach. Academics also are now a point of pride. Anyway, I'm just getting at the fact that our new president is a short asian man named Santa.