I'll have you know, male oppressor, that there ARE careers in such a degree, such as being a teacher in women's gender and sexuality studies.
I didn't realize that you're not allowed to enjoy consensual group sex while also caring about stopping male violence against women and rape. Pinkcup, what does this mean for us? Look, her decision to frame her argument and concerns around the redesign of their logo/mascot and the accusation that the school's administration took the time to care about the redesign instead of (or hopefully/probably in addition to) taking steps to help prevent violence and rape on campus was really stupid. And, the whole letter does reek of obnoxious "teen Women's Studies major" language and rhetoric in the way that people just learning about all this type of stuff tend to do. But, the reactions of "SHUT THE FUCK UP ABOUT RAPE AND VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN YOU FUCKING BITCH BECAUSE THOSE CONCERNS ARE STUPID AND NONEXISTENT" are dickish. I'm going to go with dickish.
People should absolutely vocally stand up against sexual violence and violence against women in general, its all too common and all to commonly swept under the rug, however using this platform to assert that claim is ridiculous. I'm trying to come up with an equivalent but I can't, its so outlandish its incredible. I think their point isn't that the concern is ridiculous, rather that the metaphor and claim is ridiculous. Her concern is absolutely valid, however she was misguided in how she went about trying to promote that concern.
In this specific case, given the data she's cited, her concerns are "stupid and nonexistent" because 2 cases of "drunken fight that got the cops called" out of around 200 athletes (a very, very conservative figure) does not a campus that is fraught with jock-rapists make. Also, your use of the word "dickish" as derogatory slang offends me. Since only men have dicks, you are clearly belittling the male gender by giving their defining characteristic negative connotations. I demand that you hereby confine yourself to the use of "assholeish" for all future references of this nature. Being a body part we both share, the anus is ideally placed to bring us together and harmonise the notoriously sexism-laden world of body-parts-used-as-insults. Peace and buttholes be upon you.
That also struck me as discordant. Women can consent to endless numbers of sex partners, even all at once, without giving up their right, even a little, to say "No" to partner #infinity+1. Though if the woman in question was also speaking out against male athletes and how they treat women (which is a common part of college feminism) then her sleeping with a lot of them does tend to make you raise an eyebrow. If.
We all need to just settle down and throw an orgy so we can all love one another again. Who owns a hot tub and lots of air mattresses here?
I would be careful what you volunteer here, dude. You expect mya and Roxanne, but you're going to end up with Crown, Juice, Rush, Nom, ghetto and Black Jesus sitting around wondering who'll be the first to drop trow.
It's called "The Down-Low" and it doesn't count as being gay. In younger days I referred to it as "What happened at summer camp".
I just got home from 3 hours of Women's Health case studies. I'm supposed to watch an hour and a half DVD to re-new my CPR certification. I'm feeling the urge to drink and watch mindless TV instead. Open the wine noooooowwwwwwww.
<a class="postlink" href="http://www.cracked.com/article_20383_6-mysterious-people-at-heart-unsolvable-mysteries_p2.html" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.cracked.com/article_20383_6- ... es_p2.html</a> Check out #1
4 day weekend, I love working a 4 ten shift, what the fuck you people been up to? Also 2 year old kids are sponges for language, I am learning that the hard way, I have a little girl in PJ's running around saying bullshit to everything and anything.
I'm confused by your statement. I can sleep with someone I find perfectly reprehensible morally, socially, ethically, what have you...and it honestly doesn't reflect a darn tootin' on my world view, my social values, or my feminist creds. If I choose to sleep with someone, all that means is that my ladyparts were attracted to their other-person parts and we both decided to mash them together until both of us (hopefully) reached a pleasant conclusion to the activity. Outside of that shared activity, I can despise them fervently. In fact, I've had sex that ended up just like this. Male athletes on college campuses very, very frequently participate in an unsavory and dangerous culture of sexual aggression towards women.* I say "very frequently," but I haven't been to a coed campus yet that doesn't have elements of that culture ingrained in their student life. I'm willing to open my mind to the possibility that there are a few institutions of higher learning that manage avoid this phenomenon, but I've encountered it so often, at so many schools, that it's almost a foregone conclusion to me. And to most other women, actually. This is a shared experience that a lot of gentlemen are unfamiliar with, and so your perspective is limited. Accept, then, that this is a genuine, widespread problem. And it's really not being dealt with. Truly. Outside of public outcry over provable rapes or provable domestic violence incidents, it goes largely unnoticed or (worse) tolerated as "just part of being a college athlete." This woman chose an odd method of gaining a platform, and it sucks because it hurt her message and that message needs to be reemphasized over and over and over again until things change. This is the public awareness equivalent of writing a half-assed literature paper on the influence of Hester Prynne's archetypal role in Faulker's creation of Cadie Stanton in "The Sound and the Fury." Yeah, there's kind of a connection? And if you teased it out thoroughly, there might be something interesting to be said? But mostly, you need to rethink your thesis or be prepared to write a shitload about it in order to properly make your point. Attack her platform if you must, but the vitriol aimed at her underlying message is bullshit. *To be fair, I think a lot of young, impressionable kids are shoved into an existing culture and the pressure to conform is overwhelming. I think, at a certain point, personal responsibility comes into play and you have an obligation to disengage from that sort of culture...but I do empathize with the desire to not rock the boat as a young athlete--especially if your tuition rides on the success of your integration with your teammates.
Athletes that get that far in life are 90% assholes. They were lead to be that way by every single living person around them. Everybody tells them how great they are, women fawn over them and guys kiss their ass over their superior talent. They get free rides and under-the-table gifts and a lot of them could give a shit about their grades. Surrounded by a sea of sycophants 24-7 can make you that way. ...but it's still no excuse to think that any of them are above the law. But let's face it, when star athletes get "in trouble" we can't pretend there isn't an army of assholes behind the curtain ready to do ANYTHING to make sure they get out of trouble. The Duke Lacrosse thing was an exception (be it a fairly rare one), where innocent people were accused by a lowlife scumbag and everybody bought HER story (stupid people, anyway) at the beginning because of the reputation athletes have given themselves over the years.
Oh please, as if there were any question about who the first one would be to drop trou in that situation.
Ugh, this is why you shouldn't post at 2 AM. Or about Faulkner at all. Many thanks, Noland, for the correction. It's "Caddy Compson," not "Cadie Stanton." It looked wrong when I wrote it, damn it. My Southern Lit professor would've shat bricks but then laughed...I was always vehemently outspoken about my seething hatred for Faulkner. It seems fitting that I would replace Caddy with the middle and last name of an iconic feminist.
I did well in high school. Very well in College and Law School. I won many awards and honors. As such, if you had said to me 10 years ago: "One of two things will happen to you in your life. 1) You will have an incredible night of passion with two very lovely ladies, or 2) You will turtle sit as part of your job." I would have gone unhesitatingly gone with 1, thinking 2 was ludicrous as no one in the world would ever, under any circumstances, actually have a job like that. I stand corrected. Sunday, I begin turtle sitting for Jackson The Turtle. Apparently the owner leaves 'very detailed' instructions. My friends don't believe me and think I'm engaged in actively encouraging a self delusion of oddness that is endemic to my whole personality and circumstance. I will post pictures.
I dunno. I feel like dickish is a pretty apt descriptor for somebody who takes a logically questionable letter written by a young feminist and uses it as a platform to prove how much more big and rational and manly he is than those dumb people who care about marginalized groups.