Since we don't have a topic for this. Spoiler Binary, I wasn't talking about the rape, I'm talking about the overall feminism view of women being respected equally as men. Rape is a crime and all topic, not a feminist topic. It is a problem for everyone, not just feminist, or masculist. Everyone. That is what I meant. Look I got fucking strawman-ed. Holy shit, even after requesting for it not to happen. And you can give me all this holier than thou, "enlightened", bullshit...even with gifs its bullshit. If you surveyed the world and asked people the following question: "Let's say a girl requested, for her own enjoyment, on her own accord, to participate in a gang bang with men who happen to be athletes. Do you think the men participating in that gang bang respect her?" You think the "No" percentage would be under 70%? If you do, you're full of holier than thou bullshit. Part of this is perpetuated by porn, but that is mostly where we see women fucking 10 dudes and respect isn't the vibe people get (unless you're Scootah, then it happens at your house every Tuesday. Where the hell has he been btw?) So gang bangs and "mutual respect" don't go hand-in hand in the majority of most people's minds. Just because some open-minded, smarter than everyone else, holier than thou fuckers who are deep in the minority, want to think that "Oh no, it is perfectly okay in the minds of the people" then they are full of shit. And there is a huge difference between sex with 10 dudes, and the TYPE of sex going on between two people. The chances are WAY higher for two people to respect each other doing whatever (i.e. rape play) than 10 male athletes to respect that one female. If it was consensual rape play with 10 dudes it'd be the same thing with people thinking "Oh there is disrespect." Yes is gang bang a type of sex? It's still different. Golden showers with an ex loved one where there is a basis of trust is different than golden showers with 10 dudes that you probably don't know that well. I think we're arguing two different things here, but whatever. Its Friday, I can't think about serious shit anymore, but at least its getting gogator to post magic. I'm done. Moar tits and kitty gifs.
Well I just did let it go, so there. I even said I was done. Jeez man read. And no, I'm finishing my Trade Value column part 3. I mean, fuck, wait. Bill Simmons is posting the column. I'm not Bill Simmons. I just love Grantland. Oh I also just put up 2 podcasts. I mean, Bill Simmons put up two podcasts with Jalen Rose, David Jacoby and himself.
Puppies > kittens > arguing over feminism. I got Buck a month ago today and he is just GREAT. Spoiler ...when he isn't getting into the damn garbage. He fell asleep in my lap like this last night.
Just got into a debate over tits being "too big". Then the conversation walked over to tit jobs. Happy Focus: Gentlemen: Enjoy a good tit job/tit fucking? Ladies: Ever give a good tit job or tit fucking? Discuss.
Everybody that thinks their band has the best swag is sorely mistaken. Retro Satanic metal band Ghost has a line of buttplugs and dildos. The store: <a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... its75.html</a> NSFW A clip from their latest album. I imagine hell is a lot like a satanic carnival. But instead of candied apples I'm being raped by a dragon. Spoiler
The one time I got one, I found it physically awkward. Anyone else constantly open NSFW tags, shut off your phone, and then get a surprise later? It's like finding a five dollar bill in your pocket, but with titties.
Well, it's Friday, I'm broke, and I'm using this board as a distraction from wanting to call my ex (always a terrible idea!). DISTRACT ME. What's the best fact you've learnt this week? I got: Ants only sleep for 5 hours a day. They do it one minute at a time, in shifts. THE COLONY NEVER SLEEPS.
So the daffodils in our yard finally bloomed today, and I wanted to honor it by posting naked ladies with daffodils, but I can't seem to find any. Dissapointing to say the least.
I've learned that I'm the boss and people will consistently piss me off but I'm still the boss and if I want to leave on a random Friday at four to drink I can do just that. Just not very often or I'll look like a drunk. I am a drunk, I just don't want to look like one.