Dude. Rick Baker owned it for that movie, but forget not that same year Rob Bottin's transformations in The Howling. The one in the middle of that movie could not have been done by anybody but Bottin. He did The Thing, Total Recall and Robocop.
Seriously, who a) wears such a shirt, and b) puts photos of them online wearing it, and most importantly, c) takes pride in such a thing? <a class="postlink" href="https://twitter.com/brodeanIV/status/314228838890618881" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">https://twitter.com/brodeanIV/status/314228838890618881</a> As Christopher Hitchens wrote, "Sexual innocence, which can be charming in the young if it is not needlessly protracted, is positively corrosive and repulsive in the mature adult".
So our neighbor's son has a bow and is shooting arrows into the air while his girlfriend attempts to catch them. I don't know if I should quote Longfellow or Darwin.
If this is legit, it is a little bit fucking disturbing. http://www.snopes.com/photos/signs/sciencetest.asp Spoiler
That shit is hilarious. His parents must be real prize pig authority figures. I'll be watching for him in a bell tower vantage point in a decade or so.
Oh, so for fans of 1960s cinema, that tit shot of Jägerette was taken right at the spot in Zorba the Greek where Zorba and Basil dance at the end. So, nifty eh?
So I got a friend request from a totally random person who I apparently share no friends in common with (which is really weird because my profile isn't suppose to be visible if you're not at least a friend of a friend). I'm sure its spam, however my ADHD brain is thinking lets find out. This is how I get in trouble every time.
Jehovah's Witness child is what I'm guessing. I remember suppressing laughter when a speaker at meeting suggested God's purpose for dinosaurs was to "pack down the earth." Sigh, so horribly mental.
That's the sort of thing you should think is a lie simply from being alive. Did you know 63% of your country believe Noah's Ark actually happened?
OK, now as much as I think organized religion is a fucking joke, and anyone who decides that a bunch of half-monkey, no plumbing(!) retards have the answer to the universe is a total fucking moron, I'm going to put this out there: My older brother (who was and to this day is a fucking asshole, so I have no guilt sharing this/shaming him) was in his 4th grade science class. The teacher asked how waves are created. My brother raised his hand. "My grandfather told me that the waves are made by the tankers coming in from the Pacific (our Grandpa lived in Seattle) and when they come in, the front of the boat makes the waves." WRONG! My Grandpa (who emigrated from Norway in the 20s...) probably dumbed the answer way down, figuring my brother was just a ten year old kid. That taught me two important lessons: 1) When my son asks me a question, I give him the real answer so he isn't a) the butt of jokes at school, and b) the subject of posts on an internet forum 30 years later, and 2) Kids will believe anything if it comes from an authority figure. So... The sad thing here isn't that a 4th grader believed it... it's that an adult told them that bullshit in the first place.
The weather took a turn for the better and I was able to get out for my first run of the season. Hooray! The river's still quite flooded, to the point that the bike trails that I used to ski on during the winter are totally covered. Makes me think of getting a little kayak, actually. I think there'll be some Indian food from the place down the road to celebrate the first nice springlike weekend day. Also, beer.
'twas a beautiful day here as well. The best part of springtime is that perfect sleeping weather with the windows open and not having to run the heat/AC. Hitting up some Appalachian Trail hiking with the pops tomorrow. Can't wait.
Awwwwww yeah! Time to watch Mr. Jones hand out a lesson on why you shouldn't PR yourself into a title fight if you want a lasting career. Game on! Why yes, I am starting with beer at 9:15am. All I have to do today is watch UFC, get hammered, and fly to Bali. Good times.