Ghetto, get your snob hat on. Haters, you may begin. I just cracked open a 2008 Thomas Hardy Ale form my beer cellar. 5 years old now. Letting it warm up in my chalice. Yes, my chalice. We do NOT fuck around in this house. Immediate bitterness, followed by alcohol and dark fruit and yeast, ending with rye bread, wheat germ flavors. Your monk brewed ales have a challenger. I really hate Shocktop. Their stuff tastes fake to me. There are a handful of breweries I stay away from, that's one of them. The others being Heineken, Budweiser, Rogue, Dunedin (out of FL). Never enjoyed one thing from these guys. Dunedin gets a mention because I have had homebrew that was undrinkable and still turned out better than their best. Doubt anyone will ever see it, but avoid it unless you want to know what a dirty beer tastes like. Their stuff is actually grainy on your tongue.
Customers who bought the Big Coloring Book of Vaginas also bought: * Items You Should Not Masturbate To * How To Live With A Huge Penis * How To Eat Stinky Pussy * A Practical Guide to Racism I feel like there's an entire section of that I've just never explored before.
Re: Re: 4/12/2013 WDT The obvious choice is Columbians, if they're good enough for the Secret Service they're good enough for me.
Seriously considering picking one of these up through Kickstarter. <a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... f=category</a> $180 for two and 4 pint glasses is a little spendy though. EDIT: 64oz and there is $65 option for one growler.
Wife and I are seriously talking kids... fml. Spoiler I'm actually proud. Couldn't think of a better mother than her, couldn't imagine a better partner. But still, I know kids are a "stopping point" in life and that part really, honestly, scares me. Ready to have them, want to have them, but there's nothing more sobering than thinking what your life will be like with them. Here's to hoping it takes plenty of tries!! Cheers!! (Btw, budweiser black crown is actually really good shit. I'm a "beer snob," as is most of this board probably, but I love this stuff.)
I'm in that club too dude, we have a few years before we really need to decide, but I recently went from being a "fuck kids" advocate to being really excited about the idea. I still don't give a shit about babies but lets face it, toddlers are awesome, so much imagination and cuteness. Plus that whole biologically designed to reproduce thing. On the down side though, our lives will most likely turn out like Noland's or one of the other dads on this board... Ugh...
Good point. I guess I would feel the same way when I was single. Now that I'm an old married lady....
How many chalices do you own? I have three. One from Duvel, Chimay and Wesvleteren. I brought a bottle of la fin du Monde over to my buddy's place as a housewarming gift. Oddly, we got too drunk to remember to open it/ I have also discovered the joy of cooking with butter instead of other cooking oils and holy fuck those Frenchies know what's up.
Two chalices. One from Koningshoeven, one from Dogfish Head. The latter, more of a brandy snifter style. La Finn Du Monde is probably the best from Unibroe. As far as North American Belgians go, Avery's Reverend is my favorite. When I get home from work, I need to make beer happen before I fall asleep with my dick in my hand.
Heart disease rates. Heart disease rates are what's up. Unless you're a Frenchman whose entire ancestry is also French, I really wouldn't advise following their dietary lifestyle. The reason they drop dead of a massive coronary with relative infrequency is that they've bred out all the weak-hearted by subsisting entirely on a diet of clarified butter, red wine, pastry and processed pork for centuries. They've Darwined the fuck out of their gene pool. Anyone even remotely likely to have a heart attack probably croaked before they had time to reproduce.
Seconded on that. You pay a heavy price for always using it. I only use it for pancakes, anything else I use a non-coronary disease trigger.
Dude. Since it was my birthday Saturday my Mom hung on to the kids for the night. We went to a downright fucking awful cocktail party/school fundraiser that was a command performance for Mrs. Noland, came home, had sex, went to sleep, woke up, did our taxes, and then had sex. Jealous now, bitch? I wouldn't be if I were you, but just remember that morning sex nearly vanishes with children in the house.
Oh, how times have changed. Ten years ago we were reading posts about "women, bitches!", now we can't eat too much butter because it clogs our arteries. I feel your pain. On Saturday I got up early to go car shopping, test drove seven cars, took my son and three of his friends and my two girls to Ozzy's for laser tagging, rock climbing, etc., ate, came home and I was exhausted. And all I did was sit and drive all day. I ALMOST went roller skating but I left my skates at home.* I would have kicked 12-year-old ass! *Yeah, I own skates, so?