Is it a bad sign when your boss and his boss both leave your group to take different jobs within the company? Because that happened to me today.
Or, not. You could pretty much say none of those things about Cyrus except her popularity, which is laid squarely at the feet of the Lowest Common Denominator.
And Taylor Swift is many things, but nobody is ever going to claim she has anything more than an ok voice. Her voice is probably the weakest part of her whole repertoire.
It's strange, they stopped talking about that when one of the other developers had his cancer come back. I figure I'm safe at least until they can replace him.
Was taking a shit in Target today when an 8 or 9 year old kid startied staring at me through the gap in the door while I was wiping my ass. Kids are fucking weird.
First time this happened in my life and I'm 36, I just wanted to get out of there as fast as possible away from freak boy.
Her appeal is that she makes mom shorts look hot, and that she writes her own songs. At least, that's what does it for me
You make me want to use the N word. Yes the fuck she does. And she makes them high waisted shorts look not only hot, but classy. She;s the Faith Hill of this last two year's pop.
Wait, you have stalls with a gap in the door? What the hell? Making a door that actually fully closes off a stall can't be that hard.
You know, the parents of the 1,5-year-old boy who live above me tried to teach their son how to pee standing up the other day. Instead, he used that new information to promptly take a dump right in the middle of the garden, with everyone watching. That turned out to be quite hilarious. Your mileage may vary, though.
Dude, I've heard some crazy ass shit on this board. I've written some crazy ass shit on this board. Now, I can't stand Taylor Swift, but I will admit she is a very well put together mass of female molecules. That being said, no one, nowhere, has ever made high waisted shorts look good. Ever. They're like Capri pants with an identity and location crises.