Or if you can't possibly stand to part with them at least limit it to times that would normally be the furthest from your period? We had a waitress start one night when she was wearing white shorts. They sent me on a tampon run, there isn't much Ill not do to get out of working, and called her husband to bring her new pants. All I can remember is that she had humongous boobs and would wear skin tight shirts creating those titty lines around her bra. I could never get work done when she was there.
Stupid shit that pisses me off: My husband never puts a new trash bag in the trash can. So, this is what plays out: Husband puts the trash out in the morning. I come home 10 hours later and eventually have to throw something away. I open the lid and there is NOTHING there. That annoys me. How hard is it to put in a new bag when you empty the trash? When I open the lid I have the expectation of throwing something away. In other news, I'm glad to be taking on responsibility at my job. I'm seeing and learning about some pretty cool stuff. And, I'm not getting irate texts and calls 10 times a day about staffing PRN or other silly, paranoid shit that doesn't even begin to fall under one of my job duties. Woot woot I was playing with my pulse ox today...I've always had a resting heart rate in the 50s, but I didn't think it'd be so low in the middle of the day at a new job. It was 53. I'm either way too relaxed or way too casual treating an entirely new patient population.
I went HAM at the gym, with the best workout I've had since coming to SC. Then in walks a neckbeard, a rail-thin Indian guy and an obese black guy, or as I called them "The Unfuckables". This trio was unremarkable except for the tiny, blonde jailbait tart in yoga pants and a sports bra. They were high school or damned close to it, and she was the type of rail thin that age hasn't yet made her work for. She didn't have any real asset, but had abs and a body like a starved 17-year old Czech girl and everyone in there just stared at her. It was clear she got off on the attention, but isn't wearing just a sports bra some sort of fashion faux pas?
I was using white pants as a catch-all. It can be white pants, underwear, bed sheets, or most clothing that is not black.
a glass or four of Old Overholt while walking through my iTunes collection...yes I'll listen to Vanilla Ice & Jim Croce
Jim Croce is fucking awesome. His 50th Anniversary Collection has everything he recorded, love that album.
I do this on purpose knowing it annoys you. What's that? Light is green? Just....need....to...finish...this...sentence. Annnnd send. Phew. They didn't cheer me up even a little BB. Also, it's rather disconcerting that they aren't spoilered while quoting them. People that are quick to pull out in front of you when there is no one behind you and drive slow as shit.
Screw her Bundy. I'm extremely cheered up. I thank you Yes. See this is how it starts. You're horrified, watch more of their videos and then you end up liking them and being attracted to Yolandi for no explainable reason. Suddenly you're watching creepy videos with your cock in your hand and shame in your heart... Wait, just me? Fuck you guys. I'll go back to lurking.
Up early, as always. Have to take one of my favorite dogs to daycare at 8. Is it wrong that I want to fuck the owner like she owes me money? Think she'll work a trade of some great sex for a $10 dog walk? God, I hope so.
Here's something fun. In the realm of the royals an emperor trumps a king. Thus, an imperial highness can look down on a royal highness. And if your title includes "His Imperial and Royal Highness..." it means you descend from royal bloodlines from both parents. Why would I bring this up? Glad you asked. One of my high end clients asked me to handle one of his clients. Who happens to have the title "His Imperial and Royal Highness blah, blah, blah and blah, blah, blah." A fucking middle eastern Emir. Do I even need to mention what a bad idea this is?
My wife works retail, selling furniture. I'm currently racked back in one of the recliners at her work place while she's waiting on people that are currently: Fighting with each other. Walking around in separate directions... Aaaaaannnnd now also kicked back, sifting on a sofa for far longer than just a "test sit" (like 15 minutes now without saying a word to each other). There's also 2 other sets of customers that have walked in are past customers of hers so they're her responsibility also. I just want to take her out for our 6th Anniversary to eat, have some drinks, and go home and drunkenly attempt to fuck like we're not middle aged. Is that too much to ask?
I just hit the best bucket of golf balls I've ever hit. My swing thought? 'Hit Like A Girl.' For you amateur golfers, watch the women. They swing better, smoother, and they're not trying to muscle the ball. The Lotte Invitational is going on this weekend in Hawaii, and it's been a pleasure to watch. I swing the club like a girl, and I like the results.
I feel this is an appropriate place to post this. Taking quotes from motivational fitness posters, and change the picture to that of someone drinking. I found this hilarious. http://randommization.com/2013/09/12/if-you-add-drunk-people-to-fitness-quotes-things-get-hilarious/