Earlier today at work my boss and I were sitting at our desk by the front door when all of a sudden there's this loud BAM and we jump and yell and look around to see what happened. We thought maybe one of our paintings fell off the wall since the current show's really heavy panels. A few moments later this stunned older woman comes walking in and goes "I'm so sorry, I just walked into your door." And my boss goes up to greet her and they start very casually talking about art as if nothing happened, and I just stare very hard at my computer biting my lip extremely hard so I don't burst out laughing. Then I glance over and see that she left A FACE PRINT on the door and I. Start. Losing it. I have to clamp my hand over my mouth and try not to breathe at all because I'm so afraid I'm going to laugh right in this woman's face. Finally they go into the back room and I can pull off quietly giggling to myself for a while, but then the phone rings and I reach over to my coworker's area to answer it since she had stepped out, but that meant I saw the face print in full view again and I just started laughing right into the phone as I picked up. After the woman left my boss and I both started laughing so hard we were crying. It's several hours later and I'm at home and I'm STILL hearing the BAM in my mind now and then and losing it all over again. I took a picture of the face print to commemorate it. Please excuse my coworker gesticulating in the reflection: "I'm so sorry, I just walked into your door." God. I'm dying.
If all the ones in this list: http://nymag.com/thecut/2017/04/most-ridiculous-jean-styles-of-the-year-clear-jeans.html at least the mud ones are just overpriced, and make a little sense. The fuck? Janklets?
WooHoo! For the first time since last October, I am now beardless! Damn, was I getting sick of that thing.
I just had my first Angry Orchard. Where have these things been all my life? Seriously, it tastes like an apple Jolly Rancher. Yum.
Yes, yes they are. Try some of the other varieties, they have some that taste like apple pie, or add fireball to make it spicy.
Ok Minnesota I get it, I made a lot of global warming jokes and enjoying it being warm out here, and you're sick of it. I'm sorry. 35 degree drizzle is unacceptable, please stop.
It snowed for 5 minutes this morning and I'm headed up North after work to go turkey hunting this weekend. Wheee!
United Airlines killed a giant bunny and there are people that think ESPN made the wrong move firing Danny Kanell. I didn't even know giant bunnies existed, and I thought everyone agreed that Kanell is the worst.This week might get weird.
Desperate to get out of here and on the road to the woods but my boss went and pushed a meeting to the end of the day.
Because one team can't get their shit together, I now have a meeting at 6pm tonight. If they expect me to be either fully attentive or 100% during this call, people are going to be severely disappointed.
Careful out there katokoch: Hunters expected to recover from injuries after being mistaken for actual turkeys
Reminds me of this old classic: Ah, yes, back in the days when Saturday morning kids' cartoons featured death by gunfire.