No singing on earth can make me uncomfortable. I know this, because I have hosted karaoke in the past. It's like becoming a boxer: eventually you don't feel the pain of being punched in the face.
'murican Idle It doesn't make me uncomfortable. But, it does make me want to stab that guy in the face.
Yup. My wife hates it when I talk to her when she is pooping, but I have no problem with her being in the bathroom when I am going.
If you've ever been minding your own business, driving down the highway, and been forced by an inescapable urge to stop at a rest area frequented by truck drivers you wouldn't even be having this discussion. I'm not saying I personally would be in the same room as anyone while they're pooping (by choice) but after the "I can be louder than you game" played by truckers you won't be so uptight about one person pooping. I couldn't avoid it so you can bet I did my best to win that game. Competitive nature at its worst. Also if you hear farmers or truckers bitching about your smell, you're winning. You might want to go see a DR though.
The bathroom situation at my old job was like a Thai prison. It was a 3 story building with 3 men's rooms and women's rooms. Each men's room had 1 urinal and 1 toilet, and it was almost all men who worked in the building. We men often times found ourselves playing musical bathrooms, and when you walked into the bathroom you could always tell who was in there by the shoes. It was a little embarrassing when I had to try the top floor and the little Filipino girl who was the secretary saw me and had to have known exactly what was going on, but at least I was one of the lucky ones who never had to go next door to the Golden Corral.
Re: 'murican Idle Why not the lady? Shouldn't they die equally? This...this much to take in... Do you do what my boss does and use the ladies' room to do his business since it's cleaner than your stinky ass gross bathrooms? They are single bathrooms and in the warehouse, but still, don't be ruining our lovely bathroom with your business. I wait a while if I know he's been in there because he only uses it for one reason.
I have no desire to be in the bathroom when someone else is pooping because IT STINKS!!!! SHIT STINKS!!!! So does puke. I don't care how intimate you are with someone, intimacy does not provide a stink barrier. I have been forced to deal with the shit of others as a parent and pet owner, but I can't envision a scenario where I would voluntarily waltz into a cloud of poop stink. On a related note, my husband had to take some drugs this weekend that the doctor warned could result in him puking and/or diarrhea. Fortunately he experienced neither, although there was also the problem of the medicine not doing it's job.
Yet. He hasn't experienced it yet. Sometimes it just takes time. My daughter had a friend over one time that barfed all over the bathroom floor (yay not carpet!). It's hard enough cleaning up your own kids' puke. People not related? Gross. And I have a strong stomach.
There's a level of "intimacy" that my husband and I are comfortable never reaching. Open door pooping is on that level. In other non poop related news - last week at the counselor husband was able to show up for the session. The counselor told me today that she was impressed with "us". That was nice.
Re: 'murican Idle She needs to die too. But any self respecting man that would willingly participate in that bullshit just needs to chop his dick off and kill himself so he doesn't raise panty waste middle class drones. A guy I know from high school who is friends with a few of my buddies made a "coming attractions" trailer when him and his wife were able to get her pregnant (they had to do a bunch of in vitro stuff). It was by far the lamest narcissistic contrived shit Ive ever seen. I really really wanted to tell the guy his wife banged one of my wiener friends a few days before they got married.
I just want to make sure we cover all bodily functions. We've come this far. We can get the gross stuff out of the way, and then move on to the fun stuff.
Re: 'murican Idle As a society, we've gone from boring people with vacation slides to boring people with bragging how awesome of a parent we are. Children are the bowling trophies of the modern era.
The cat puked up his breakfast in the kitchen floor this morning. Lucky for me, the dog came by and ate it all up before I got up to clean it up. Finally after two years I have found a reason to keep that dog around. Now back to the poop discussion.
Re: 'murican Idle I've seen a lot of this bullshit on Facebook lately, especially since most people my age have young kids. The parodies of songs from the movie "Frozen" are enough to make me want to grab my rifle and climb the nearest bell tower. The shit isn't clever and it's about as funny as a tow rope abortion. I actually like my friends' kids and I understand that parenting is difficult, but if you're making videos of you and your spouse singing songs about your mediocre lives as parents, you need to get a different fucking hobby. If my parents did that when I was a baby I'd resent them for it to this day.
I'm a few posts late on the poop discussion, but this is probably the one and only time I'll ever legitimately be able to ask this question, so I'm going to take the opportunity. Did anyone else get seriously uncomfortable during the battle shits scene in Harold and Kumar, or am i abnormal? So uncomfortable you had to fast forward past it, get up for a beer, and take a moment to center yourself before resuming play? I'm sitting here, years later, embarrassed that I saw that. Pooping is not something that should take place in the company of others.
Can't hold it back anymore Every time I hear "Let It Go" I just sing "camel toe" in my head, so it makes me smile instead of stabbing people in the face.
Was at a clients cafeteria today and hit up the salad bar because I'm doing a healthy diet thing now. I broke my hand skiing about 3 months ago because horrid little she-devil skied into me and knocked me over and I fell on my pole. 4 hairline fractures, no gym until full recovery. This didn't mean I couldn't eat healthy, but I convinced myself I earned a little pigging out for a few months. Anywho, first day at the salad bar. I load up on lettuce, veggies, a small helping of grilled chicken because I'm a man and I want some meat. I get down to the end and among the various salad accountrement (say it wih a French accent), was a bowl of M&Ms with a ladle. M&Ms. For a salad. I stood there glaring at it for 10 minutes while it beckoned and mocked me. "Do it you fat piece of shit. Do it. Put some M&Ms on your fucking salad. Who the fuck are you trying to fool?" I slowly snaked by, eyeing the candies and wondering how delicious they would taste with balsamic dressing. The sweet and savory. A bit of semen left my penis in my bewilderment. I was snapped out of my daze by a weird taste in my mouth and went got a large Mountain Dew and slugged it down. On my way out I stopped by the M&Ms again. Looking around suspiciously, I took a ladle full and deposited them into my breast pocket. I now have a dress shirt pocket full of M&Ms that I'm picking away at as we speak. I fucking hate myself.
Reminds me of the fat cunt in this office who spent ten minutes telling me why she couldn't have a donut after lunch today because today is her "cheat day" on her diet so she already had cake for breakfast, poutine and a milkshake for lunch and is planning on having pizza for dinner, and a donut would be "over the top". "Oh. When did you start this diet?" "Yesterday."
How do you end up in these conversations with people? Do you need to work on your no-bullshit glare? I think you do, frankly.