All this martini talk... I'm going to the beach. Should I wear board shorts or this cheetah print thong that only fits one of my balls?
Going back briefly to the list of people here who are either applying for jobs, interviewing for jobs or getting new jobs, here's something I giggled at. Gotta appreciate the tenacity.
NOT DEAD YET! Clearly, she was a technical manager somewhere that was trying to keep away applications for employment.
That's not a socialite, it's the cigar box Indian from Creepshow 2. Although its not any more fucked up than that dead boxer that was propped upright in a ring corner so his fans could take photos with him.
You know how hard it is to focus at work when you're going directly from the office to hunting land later in the afternoon and have meetings booked solid until then? This is torture.
Dude, learn to multitask. Hunt AT the office. Tranq and ear-tag your co-workers and shoot only the weaker and less gamey employees. Then kill an intern with a flaying knofe and field-dress it in front of a board meeting to show you TRULY kill for your job. You can't lose, and you're opening up time for more activities to boot.
People get martini's because its classier than pounding shots. No other reason exists to drink one. Why are people so excited for FIreball now? Is it the new Jager or something? Its cheap whiskey flavored with cinnamon. How is that good?
Jesus, why does drinking have to be fashionable? Isn't fashion on its own useless enough? You're getting shitfaced. It doesn't have to be fancy. You can call yourself an "oenophile" all you want but you're still just a drunk suburban pseudo-sophist. And Fireball is for high school kids. It's laughable that it's suddenly a hit. THE INDUSTRY!!!
We used to drink it in the winter alot back in Michigan, I haven't touched it in years though because the hangovers from it are fucking brutal.
I like fireball. It's tasty. I had some drink called Angry Owl at Hooters and it was some sort of cider with fireball whiskey. Fucking delicious. I may or may not have gotten smashed. In my defense, the number of shits I give about fantasy football is <1 and I didn't know any of the dudes there so drinking hard and fast was the only activity that really appealed to me. Edit: Oh! That was the day that we got stuck on the H-1 for 4 hours when a cement drunk crashed on the highway. Ah, memories. That trip sucked. Probably would have been more fun with a bottle of fireball though.
Not a damn thing is wrong with us. This is awesome in every respect. We have parades for people when they die, so to you people that live in the bland and soulless cities in this country that consider this weird, I say this, learn how to live. Even when you're dead.
Fireball was the drink of choice during our first semester of college when we wanted to get pants-shitting drunk. At least for a buddy of mine it was. It is equally delicious and lethal the next day.
Liquor shouldn't be easy to drink - it should be a struggle, like life. It should be something you earn, not something that is tossed down and forgotten. A struggle to get down, a struggle to keep down, a struggle to stay on the barstool, a struggle to keep going and going, even when the bartender, the police, your wife and your crying children all tell you you've had enough. Screw them. They just want to hold you back, to deny the glory of a life fully lived. They don't know. They don't understand. But the liquor understands. So fight the glorious fight my friend. Leave the easy liquor for the little people.
I completely agree with this. I haven't thought about what my funeral is going to be like, but marching my corpse down the street with a parade sounds a lot better than some boring affair in a church.
Yea, thats really my main complaint against that. You get cheap whiskey on its own which is a brutal hangover, then you basically combine that with schnopps-like flavoring and you get a hangover where advil isn't enough and you need a gun. I don't know about you guys, but when I'm out getting drunk I'm all about hangover avoidance now. Because of that I stick to rum. Maybe it makes me cautious and annoying, but I don't want to wake up the next day feeling like complete shit. I did that a lot in college and after college and frankly I'm over it. Its just not worth it anymore.
I don't even drink to get drunk any more; I haven't been shitfaced in over ten years. I'm satisfied with a nice pleasant buzz, and because of that I refuse to drink alcohol if it isn't tasty - I want to enjoy the booze, not the additional effects that come with the booze.