I think hangovers are all about your water and food consumption. I mean, within reason. If you drink enough to get alcohol poisoning then you earn whatever headache you get. I think I've woken up headachey twice in my life. I drink a lot of water and try to make good, varied food choices. Also I'm a lightweight, that probably has something to do with it.
Pound 4 shots of Fireball then drink a pint of a nice IPA and let me know if you still don't get hangovers. I promise you despite how much food you eat and water you drink you may have a headache. Back in college a normal night out with friends I'd have somewhere around 10 drinks. A hangover is kind of unavoidable then.
I need to see how much a bottle of fireball costs. Typically I buy mine out of state in bulk so that I don't have to pay Alabama prices. If I can get some at a reasonable price, I might be willing to run this little test of yours. Also: 10 drinks....that doesn't really sound atypical for a night with friends over a few hours. I went out with my coworkers a couple months ago and between the drinks at my house and the drinks at the bar, I ended up with a final count of 8 or 9. I mean I got pretty solidly drunk, not sick or falling over or losing my mind or anything though. Just in that "HEY THIS IS FUN LETS TOUCH EACH OTHERS BOOBS" kind of way.
It might seem really cool, but I don't understand how somebody can enjoy something while being dead. Like people who buy "talking tombstones" or write their own eulogy. Why do they care? They're dead. Worms are eating them. For all I care you can auction me off to the richest necrophile in the room and store me in a giant ice cube on public display in Times Square dressed in bondage gear.
Screw expensive funerals, I want to be cremated and have my a portion of ashes dumped in a small lake deep in northern Minnesota. I'd much rather have my life celebrated by a kickass Boundary Waters fishing trip than a boring stuffy ceremony in a smelly funeral home. I want the rest of my ashes loaded into shotgun and rifle shells, so I'll still be the last thing going through a bunch of pheasant and deer's heads after I'm dead. That will also scatter my ashes across happy hunting land. Again, much better than a funeral. While not being too drunk to run the video camera too, right? Right??
Dammit Katokoch, you took the quote before I could. That sounds like the perfect level of drunk. Whenever I go it with friends the goal is to get drunk but not become a liability. There's nothing worse than having that person in the group that drank too much and people have to babysit.
Yeah, that's about where I get. I start to get clumsy and lose volume control but generally my brain still works at about 90% of its usual level. One of the dumb bitches I work with apparently blacks out and that night she drove somewhere. We kept calling her and trying to find her. She kept hanging up on us and saying "we" so we thought she got picked up by some weirdo. If I know I'm going to be drinking there is always a DD picked. I am becoming increasingly aware of the fact that people drunk drive around here A LOT and it really pisses me off.
We don't have Costco. In Alabama you cannot buy hard liquor anywhere but an ABC store or a package store (and the package stores plus bars that serve alcohol buy from the ABC stores). And the prices are all jacked up.
What I hate about Fireball is that its become the default shot for everyone. It used to be Jameson, at least in Chicago, but now its fucking Fireball. I don't necessarily love Jameson, but its not complete shit. I've gotten to a point where I know if I drink a certain quality of liquor, and stick to it all night, short of getting fall down drunk, I should be feel fine the next day. Toss a shot of Fireball in there cause I'm trying to have fun with my friends and they are shoving them in my face, and the balance is thrown off. Swear to god, I can have 6 bourbon and ginger ales and feel fine the next day, but if I have 5 plus a shot or two of Fireball, I feel like ass. Can't WAIT for that trend to pass.
Ok, not as bad as I was expecting. $16 for a 750ml or $21 for a liter. I have angry orchard in the fridge. This is happening!
Fireball and cider? Ok then. Just keep a gun nearby for when you wake up. Since I inspired this, I'll remind you the rules. 4 shots of fireball and 2 bottles of cider. Eat drink whatever else you want. If you wake up without a hangover I'll report this to the AMA because it will be a god dammed miracle.
What is AMA? Surely you do not mean reddit. Also I hope you do not expect me to take 4 shots back to back. Because that just ain't happening.
American Medical Association. I guess I should put a time limit on this, consume all the alcohol within 1 hour. But if you want to sling back 4 shots and chase it with two ciders you can do that too.
I feel like 6 drinks in an hour is still too short a time limit on this. That is significantly more than I'd drink normally. I could do 2 hours. 6 drinks in an hour would be dangerous for me.
One of the great things about living in Houston is that we have quite a few local breweries that are quite nice. Karbach has released a saison that I am really enjoying. Although it is a bit heavy, it is a delicious spring/summer brew that I can used to. Shiner also has a light blonde that I always keep in the fridge. Thats a great beer to eat any kind of food with.
Oh yes it is, Jameson tastes like it was fermented by butt funneling it through a horse. Fireball is good for group shots. Girls are way more apt to do them over Jameson or Jack Daniels. If you're sitting alone drinking Fireball, then you're probably an alcoholic.