Speaking of alcoholic memories... For a New Year's many years ago when I was single and childless, a friend of mine who owned a bar said I could drink as much as I wanted for free on NYE provided that 1) I drank only beer, and 2) That this didn't apply to any of the ridiculously expensive beer (i.e. Chimay). All I had to do was bring my laptop to the bar (he was going to connect my laptop to a movie theater-esque screen so everyone could watch the ball drop). After asking him several times "Are you SURE about this?" and him every time answering in the affirmative, I showed up on NYE with my laptop, gave the bartender a $40 tip, and told her to keep count. Around 1:30 that night, the bartender counted up the tally: 31 beers. In 4 hours. And by nothing short of an act of God, I didn't have a hangover afterwards, just felt really tired. I would die if I tried this now. Ah, to be young and invincible again.... EDIT: Oh, and if it matters, I was(and still am, more or less) 200 pounds at the time.
I agree with Toddamus. You don't give a shit about the backspace button and you damn sure don't give a shit about the English language and "spelling competency" when you're shitfaced. Or at least I don't.
RON... may I call you RON? You're a terrible person and you have serious issues. Kindly let the drunk bewildered entertain us and fuck off. You have zero redeeming qualities and are the worst example of humanity. You embody everything wrong with the human race.
I'm going to test my own theory now. I'm going to have a few rum and cokes while watching the Bruins game, and if I can write coherently after 4 drinks, then I will have impressed no one and had a decent night. Bewildered, thanks for participating in this experiment. The science community thanks you for your contributions to the field of drinking.
A few?? A FEW??? Someone is failing science right now sir! Telsa would spinning in his grave(after he's done strangling Edison's ghost)!
I looked at some of my dunce posts from this new years and it looks like I was headbutting the keyboard. So...... shenanigans.
Good point, considering I am a 28 year old healthy male who weighs 180lbs, I have to adjust my scale. Bewildered had 5 drinks, this means I need to have like 7 or 8 then report back.
I'm going to drink one Yuengling, right now. Because I'm fucking thirsty, geez. Get of my back, MR. SCIENTIST.
a non-drinking note, the Netflix thingy on my dvd player broke, and that's where my daughter gets almost all of her shows. So I put her in the car to go to the video rental place and asked her what she wanted. Without a moments hesitation, she said "Batman and Star Wars!" I thought she would change her mind by the time we got there and get Thomas the Train or something, but evidently not...(spoiled for size)
To stave off the spins I usually end up in my underwear running around the neighborhood; metabolizes the booze. Oh, and barefoot. Imagine a gangly 6'2" drunk running around in almost nothing, zig zagging down the road like he's dodging enemy fire. I have no idea why I don't wear pants. Just seems like too much work to put them back on. I also have no idea how a cop never randomly saw this, much less a neighbor ("Ohhhh GAWD, Morty, that naked jogger is baaaaaack"). I devised a neat hangover remedy. Before bed I will eat, hydrate, then go for a jog. It's pretty invigorating running with a gut full of sloshing liquor. It sounds like a bad idea, but it's kind of fun trying to make yourself run in a straight line. Funny part is it was the first time in months I went jogging with pants. After running, I fall right into the pool. The shock to the system is great. Hydrate some more, go to bed. Still tired the next day, but no headache, no nausea. I could probably skip all that crap if I drank caffeine. But I don't.
tastes great! less filling! Well, I didn't want to tell anyone I was having a plain ol' week night Miller Lite, lest someone think it was a cry for attention. But, it is a tall boy, though. Cuz that's how I roll.
GUYS! GUYS! GUYS! <a class="postlink" href="http://sourcefed.com/your-dreams-of-robot-oral-have-come-true/" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://sourcefed.com/your-dreams-of-rob ... come-true/</a>
Re: tastes great! less filling! Now now, people. We ALL know that a real cry for attention on this board is when you write a disgustingly pathetic screed about how you're "leaving the board." Sheesh.
I'm now on my fourth Tom Collins and I've been told via rep that my spelling is lacking. I think this proves the previous point.
Re: tastes great! less filling! Miller light really? Remember to cut lengthwise next time. These cries for attention are starting to get on my nerves. Its good to see the drunk thread becoming full of somewhat intoxicated people again.
Tom Collins is a dignified drink though. Its more like your reading sappy poetry than crying for help. All it says to me is you like classy gin, and really, thats not a cry for help, thats just poor taste. Jk. Let me clarify, because I'm sure someone will jump on this, I do like gin, just I had a really bad experience with it in London and have been scarred ever since. Never mix Fosters and gin ever. Not even once.