Hey everybody! It's National Pretzel Day! Our local shop is giving a free pretzel to everyone which I wish I knew earlier as I am on my way to a banquet. Speaking of the banquet, I was asked to get balloons for it. So I did and the place had me pick them out prior to filling them. I go to pick them up today and I guess I grabbed some Happy Birthday balloons. So now I'm taking happy birthdays balloons to a swim banquet. I really need to not be in charge of things I don't care about.
The most disturbing description of what having sex with someone sounded like: "Like stirring kraft dinner".
Yeah but this time we're going to get it right. I volunteer as Supreme Overlord of the new board (as if I wasn't going to get nominated anyway).
I read. I don't post nearly as often as I read, though. I think the discussion rules/topics get to be either neglected or extremely prohibitive. The "funny or die" attitude can be off-putting. I know that a lot of web traffic and conversation is based on just hanging out online and talking about things as they pop up...without necessarily being 'funny'. Things like the ferry sinking, or the creation/science debate, or whether we are about to enter ww3 or not...they're heavy subjects, but I think they can be discussed without shit falling apart. Most of the people posting here aren't children, and aren't incapable of remembering this is the internet. Hell - most of you put your thoughts forth in such a manner that even if I disagree with you, I take your point into serious consideration...which, I think, is the hallmark of a good discussion. In some ways the board is under moderated - new topics and bumps and the like. In others, the board is over moderated - with things being shut down just because they're 'heavy' or not 'not a funny topic'. I hate to see that, because even if it's heated, a good exchange of ideas is always a good read. *If serious discussions are ever allowed, the framework of rules not allowing things like name calling or personal attacks would probably need to be there, just because. It IS the internet.
So everyone knows Donald Sterling is a massive piece of shit, but he took it to another level... Terrible timing when his team is in the middle of the playoffs. It will be interesting to see the response from the league. Its also amusing that not only is the NBA a league based around black dudes, but the Clippers have a black coach in Doc Rivers. You can't force an owner to give up his team, since it is a business, but I do hope they fine him or punish him in some profound way.
This is a man who is totally consumed with fear that his girlfriend is going to find an ebony schlong that will knock the bottom out of that, in a way, he, never could.
If we stay, I'll stay. If we go, I'll go. I'm easy. If I can help, I will. I don't post as much as many of you, but I visit nearly everyday, and you all are like an old shoe. Without the bad odors and fungus.
So to the lurkers to visit frequently, but don't post as much, what you like to see that might make you want to post more? A variety of new threads, different rules, etc?
I don't post often because I am not funny, and I rarely have anything relevant to add since - yah. Anything I got is kinda morbid right now.
I talked my husband into taking the kids with him so I could drink beer and clean house ( in that order of importance) while listening to music. I have my iTunes library on shuffle and it landed on this beauty: Fuck it, I've imbibed too much to embed properly: Put Your Clothes Back On How was it that I'd completely forgot about Rodney Carrington? It makes for good drunk cleaning, that's for sure. I'd better get back to work...now back to your regularly scheduled programing. P.S. While I was trying to get that YouTube video to work Merle Haggard came on, I Think I'll Just Stay Here and Drink. I'm doing something right ladies and gentlemen.
I haven't worked on anything besides squats since I was cleared after the miscarriage, but I didn't realize HOW bad it had gotten until today I tried to move 135 (which is NOTHING) and it. would. not. go. Lots of huffing and yelling, stomping up and down the stairs, and grabbing my glittery chalk and I FINALLY made the lift. I didn't realize how much I'd slacked off until today. I've been pole dancing 3-8 hours a week, and squatting - my squat has not suffered, and since that hasn't, I bet my deadlift hasn't either...but goddamn did my cleans go south. Serving two masters is going to be the end of me.
I enjoy this place, I used to lurk at RMMB and found my way here when it closed. I would post more but when I have something to say it's usually in reply to something 3-4 pages back and everyone has moved on to other things. I'll continue to lurk here posting rarely, or the same at a new board.
Fixed the Youtube post for you. Guys just take the "s" out from "https" when you're copying the link. Honestly, I find it hilarious that everyone is so OUTRAGED and UP IN ARMS over this. If you didn't know Sterling was a racist who says shit like this on the daily you probably think the tooth fairy is real. It's like being outraged in social media is the new national fucking sport. If we weren't clamoring for him to be ousted or drawn and quartered after it was found he was using discriminatory practices in renting (something that actually affects people's lives in a meaningful level) you'll forgive me if I fail to give a shit as TMZ basically confirms something I already knew.
I can't help escaping the feeling that Michael Cera is my spirit animal or something. He's even Canadian and everything.
Look, I am still reeling from the shutdown of a site that I was freaking committed to - that I actually met people and shit - and even my husband was a part of it. We folded into the spin-off site, but still, it was the end of an era. I'm not sure where I'm going with this, I plan to drink a lot tonight, it was a strange day for me. I don't post a lot and when I do it is blathery bullshit, and I am happy that y'all haven't told me to FOAD, and I don't even care that it is because I flash my tits once in awhile. I like y'all and will be happy to hang out with you for as long as you put up with me. Whether it is here or elsewhere. Anyways, I'm gonna go drunkenly play Lego Marvel Superheros for a bit.
I think its more of a "enough of this shit already" reaction, coupled with the fact that you have a new NBA commissioner who is likely looking for a chance to establish himself and you have an interesting dilemma. Especially when he's directly calling out people like Magic Johnson and referencing the Clippers. Its nothing new, but its wondering when enough is gonna be enough with this crotchety old fuck.
Incidentally, I don't think anyone here wants to move. I certainly don't think it's a good idea. You lose a lot of people when you move sites and there are few enough as it is. But without cooperation of whoever is running the actual hosting service, there's only so much that anyone can do. I've got 3 emails out but so far one person said they know nothing and the other two have garnered no response. We'll see. If anyone has contact information, let me know.
This has been an issue for awhile now but it's never really addressed, besides people saying they don't have "time". I wouldn't advocate moving but if no one has a better option what else can the board do?
I'm willing to help out in anyway that I can to help keep this place afloat and flourishing. I can donate time, donate money, moderate, or help out with any sort of tech related shit. Carry on sexy fuckers.