My friends that complain about getting crippling hangovers are the ones that are still trying to do the "crush a few beers early in the night, rip some shots, finish off with double jack and cokes" and wonder why they are a mess. Granted I drink more than most of my friends, many of whom are like Kubla mentioned (but not in the suburbs) as we are in the same age range, but even still, its not like I'm a lush. Drinking both Friday and Saturday night most weekends makes me an exception with most of my friends these days. Like I mentioned earlier, if I stick to one liquor, above well quality, I can get pretty toasted and be ready to rock the next day provided I got a glass of water and at least 7 hours. I don't get shitrocked as much anymore, mostly cause there isn't much of a point. My friends aren't doing it, I feel no need to set that sort of pace for no real reason. The last time I've been truly in a bad way after drinking was when I went to a Tiki Bar with some people awhile ago. All the drinks were strong, because they had 3-4 different liquors, plus a bunch of sugary shit mixed in. So a bunch of different liquors over the course of 3 drinks, plus a bunch of sugary juices and such? It was hellish. Luckily I had a hockey game the next day and sweated most of it out. It wasn't pleasant.
Can we PLEASE have a current events thread soon? Russia's shooting down Ukrainian helicopters, People are being kidnapped, etc. I've always enjoyed hearing the viewpoints of various board members, and we always learn something new. Yes, I know, "suggest it in the thread suggestion thread Chellie". Except I already did that, and I don't think anyone actually reads it.
A current events thread would be all over the place with randomness because it would encompass multiple events all within one thread. If you'd like to suggest a thread about a specific current event feel free and I'll bump it. But the other isn't likely to happen. On to yet another WDT. I have a raging sinus infection and am out for the day, in about an hour.