No, I don't have to read it. But you seem to be of the thought that it wouldn't affect other threads. Those kinds of discussions create enemies, and people carry that shit into other threads. Soon, a drunk thread turns into a flame war that carried over from the "guns" thread, because they took offense at something someone else said. To this day I get a red dot about once every few months from a certain board member. It stems from a disagreement we had in a thread about god knows what 2 years ago, but he still red dots me once every few months with some petty bullshit insult because he is apparently still bitter about some slight I gave him. Note: I have this persons posts blocked and haven't addressed him in any way in well over a year. People take this shit seriously and personally, and an argument in one thread can branch out and destroy others quickly. They create anger and animosity that kills discussion not just in politics, but in everything.
Weird. I forget. This is the internet and it's personal. There're only so many cat pictures, funny gifs, and music videos we can post before this just becomes a self congratulatory circle jerk.
I get what D26 means. There is a board I belong to where everything under the sun gets brought up and there is one dude that is obsessed with political stuff, always posting about it and sharing his opinions which are bizarre and make me completely crazy. I force myself not to engage with him and just try to avoid reading this crap, but it can be hard and it has made me less likely to want to interact with him even when he posts reasonable stuff on other topics.
Look, I agree that it would be nice if people could discuss that stuff in a civil way, but realistically it won't happen. Like it or not, politics and religion are inherently very personal, whether online or in real life.
Know what'd really perk this place up? Another thread discussing whether nigger is more offensive than cunt.
I'll stick with the board wherever it may go, and I'd also be willing to contribute money if that's what it takes to keep it going. I don't post a whole lot, and when I do I'm not what you'd consider long-winded, but I spend a lot of time on here and would miss it if it went away. One thing this board needs again is new members. I like the regulars here, but it helps to have a steady stream of new people and lurkers to keep the place alive. One thing I miss about this place and the old board is how we'd get a retard in here every once in a while and everyone would lure them in and tear them apart like a bunch of jackals. Edit: People still think cunt is offensive? Get with the times people, cunt is the new fuck.
I need a good boudin recipe. Also. Maryland weather is weird. I'm freezing my ass off and the sun is out and it's April.
I love the way cunt rolls off my tongue. I'm making s'mores macarons today. So far I have managed to make marshmallow creme. Next up: chocolate ganache and proper chocolate macaron shells. Barring any baking fuck-ups on my part, the finished product should look like this:
Just got back from seeing The Raid 2: Berandal and holy Christ was that movie violent, disgusting, and unrelenting. I loved every second of it. Best fight scenes I've ever seen, hands-down.
I understand some of the discussion surrounding the gun debate thread, but I think to a point that thread would have gone off without much of a problem if the moderation of it was as good as it was on previous iterations of this board. It's not like on the RMMB board we never talked about current events. It was just moderated in a fashion that if things got out of hand it didn't take 3 days for a mod to pop in and clean it up. Most of the time, within 10 minutes the offending person's post was deleted. More often, that poster was banned for a week. It's that type of moderation that kept people from devolving into the petty bullshit and name calling we saw on that thread. Think about it this way. If we were on the old board, would anyone even think of posting a .gif and not expect to get a week off from posting? Consistent moderation is what is needed to keep things like that in check. It's not the discussion that ruins things, it's the fact that the inmates are running the asylum.