Hey now, I watched that with Li'l Bandit when he was a little kid, and we got some chuckles out of it... If you want to talk about a movie that's REALLY bad, watch Gerry by Gus van Sant. ALL it is is Casey Affleck and Matt Damon walking in the desert. THAT. IS. IT. Maybe ten minutes of dialog in the whole movie, and nothing deep or profound. And I watched the whole thing; I got home after a night of snorting cocaine, and I couldn't get to sleep. That movie came on, and I started watching it, hoping it would get better... It never did. In other news, Li'l Bandit is going to prom tonight. That's how long this place has been around.
Is this what it’s like to be the DD? I’m currently sitting at a friend’s house waiting for another friend to finish banging in the basement so I can drive us home. I much prefer to be the drunkard in such situations. I’d also really like to be home in my own bed, but here I am.
https://www.billboard.com/articles/news/festivals/8509091/woodstock-50-festival-cancelled Lol they cancelled Woodstock 50. Can’t imagine why the rock music version of fyrefest might not work out.
Well, they did list Miley Cyrus as the headliner. That was real good thinking. I’m guessing they must have remembered what Woodstock ‘99 was like. I know I do. One line I kept hearing there will always stay in my head: “Five dollars for a bottle of water, six dollars for a cold one.” Ahhhh, the concert that murdered the 90’s.
And the fire. But those things are what it’s known for. At least Rage Against The Machine was awesome.
I went to a few Bonnaroos and the line of my first one, my first hippie festival, was, “molly doses rolls” muttered very low by every scary looking hippie drug dealer. I was high as fuck most of the time so it felt creepy that they were whispering at me.
Is it that bad? Pot is an automatic at ANY outdoor show, but I don’t encounter dealers hardly ever. The best example of a concert I went to was SARSstock in Toronto. They had very little time to put together logistics for a half-million people concert and they did it to perfection. No violence, no panic, no pushing at all, the lines weren’t bad for food, beer or washrooms and people had a great time. Whoever put that show together was a true engineer:
That was my cousin’s father-in-law, Denis Mills, who ran Chair-man Mills Event Planning. Needless to say his daughter’s wedding was a bit insane and over the top. It was in the Muskokas. He had a team pressure wash the cliff behind the “cottage” so it looked clean in the lighting they set up. They had a National Geographic photography team shoot the wedding. It was aa blast.
Damn, Im guessing the artist have to pay back the money theyve already received since they didn't actually perform? Does sound like it was shaping up to be another 99 debacle. Of the two Woodstocks of the 90's the 94 one was actually really good. We still had the descrambler and I got to see all the pay per view footage. 99 felt so MTV 90's contrived. Limp Bizkit? ICP? Yikes. MTV, now there's a name I haven't heard in a long time. Off cable for going on solid 8-9 years, do they have any notable shows anymore? It used to be a huge media company with large cultural impact. Used to get some trending stories around the Music Awards but even that's trailed off.
My wife and I were *this* close to going to the Route 91 Harvest Fest a few years back. We're both big country music fans and that's the only way we were going back to the hell hole that is vegas. Unfortunately, she isn't as excited about going to Harvest Fest now for some reason....
Woo. I was there! That speaker tower on the front right? Sitting right under it. You can probably see me in that picture. Lol It was awesome. Hot as balls, tho. Delicious brisket!
Well part of my job is shipping/receiving and we get some stuff from lots of different suppliers, sometimes we get stuff from amazon because well it is cheap. So it is nothing if i see an amazon box to just open it and deal with it. Well my boss is away, and my bosses boss was in my office with me going through some things when he asks me. Boss: Have you seen an amazon box get delivered Me: Yes, we get some amazon boxes what was supposed to be in it. Boss: Just an amazon box. Me: *getting suspicious* Well we did receive a motion activated trail came and i put it in my bosses desk(*thinking that maybe he just got it delivered to work instead of home*) Boss: You weren't suppose to see that, forget that you saw it. Me: Ok. The thing is we have camera's all over the place, only place that doesn't have them is inside the shop. Now i am wondering what is going on.
I got my chickens and helmeted guinea fowl set up in a run. This essentially means they are slowly becoming easier animals to own since their chick and keet days of being fuzzy dog and cat snacks with heartbeats and now graduating into nearly feed-to-egg production machines who also happen to kill and eat pests like mice, ticks and wasps. I do have to say as an aside; I will never understand how helmeted guineas lived wild in Africa as a species. There's leopards, servals, caracals, rock pythons, martial eagles and anything else that will eat flesh and is hankering for bird meat in Africa and this species, a thing that plops thirty eggs into a communal nest and has brain power roughly equivalent to a chicken if a chicken could or would have Down's Syndrome and it manages to live wild and in captivity since probably BCE times. But they are pretty.
Pretty fucking loud. Also, be careful of the male guineas with your chickens. I had a few and they were so aggressive towards the chickens they stopped laying. Needless to say they went bye-bye.