I love Dave Barry's misheard lyrics on Help me Rhonda: "Well since she put me down, there's been owls puking in my bed!" Just so we're clear, the Beach Boys are awesome.
Yes, yes they are. I got to see them with Stamos sans Brian Wilson. They still sound great for being geriatric.
This will be fun... Crazy found a bee's nest in the yard. I told him to get some bee spray and wait until morning when the bees aren't active. Nope. He's going to turn the hose on them in the middle of the afternoon. Fucking idiot.
Toytoy, I have to agree with these guys, if you don't film this for us(and all of the interwebs) it will be an opportunity lost.
If they're actually bees, you should probably call animal control and have someone remove them without killing them. If they're wasps then murder away.
I give up trying to explain this. I'm just injury-prone I guess. The ONE time I use my angle grinder without gloves (easier to grip it without, figured, wrongly, it was worth the risk), of course it catches, disk rides up and cuts two of my fingers deep enough to cause some meat to show. Super glue to the rescue. But damn, I just got shit luck. Unrelated but topical, I think bees are real cool. I planted a bunch of flowers they're supposed to like so we got a bunch of bees around our place, I guess in theory they pollinate stuff and are good for the environment. I just think they look cool. It's funny when they land on me and I don't care but the people around me freak the fuck out.
Do us a favor. Write the TiB url on a piece of paper. Either include your password, or encourage the reader to make a new account. Seal it in an envelope, and write "To be opened when I die, or end up comatose." Include instructions for the reader to please tell us all about how you hilariously died, and whether or not your last words were "This should be fine" or "Hey, babe, do we have anymore lighter fluid?"
I didn't get to witness it for a couple of reasons. Firstly, I'm not dumb enough to hang around when someone intentionally pisses off a hive of bees. Secondly. even though I warned him implicitly not to do it, if I was watching I would feel compelled to try to help... and what am I going to do about a bunch of angry bees? The last time I warned someone not to fuck with nature and they went against my wise advice, I had to shoot a raccoon. I can only go with what Crazy told me...that he got stung 3 times and the bees are still there.
Well Crazy sounds persistent so I'm sure they'll try again. I do understand why you didn't tape it, but still.... Maybe next time they'll try to karate chop the hive. In the internal battle of dumbass versus bees, bees will continue to win. Also I know you guys have killer bees out there, guess that didn't cross their mind?
Of course that means that things will escalate, probably to something involving "fire", so you may want to ensure that your baseball card collection is properly protected. Assuming that this isn't some diabolical scheme you have set in motion in order to collect on some sweet baseball card insurance money.
A friend and I hurriedly started 40 hives one night before he had to go out of town for work. His bees came at the most inopportune time. He only had one bee suit. I wore the suit with flip flops a T-shirt wrapped around my head an neck and he wore the gloves and vale, along with whatever he had on that day. When you order bees off the internet, you get a shoebox-size cage with thousands of bees, with a queen in her own little cage and a can of sugar water. You kinda shake the bees out of the box so you can get the queen cage and put it in the hive, then the bees follow her in. Well, that's how we did it, only half protected. My hands and feet were swollen and felt like flippers, my ankle joints hurt bad. My friend's arms were swollen and numb, but got all 40 started by about 0200. If we had tried that during the day I think we would have died.
Quite frankly I'm surprised he hasn't called the cops on the bees. Yet. I'm trying to come up with the most ludicrous thing he could do and the best I've come up with is him installing a security camera and a sign saying "Alleged Illegal Swarm" with an arrow pointing at the bees. I'm sure he'll come up with something that amazes me.
I know Crazy isn't connected with reality, but why not just go get wasp/bee spray, and get the fuckers at night? No wait, maybe I answered my one question
Because that's what I told him to do. Not that I'd have any idea of how to deal with bees having lived 90% of my life out in the country.
If they're bees, I believe you can just call a local beekeeper who will come out and relocate the entire hive so as to not have them die out.