Another comment on getting your own cash out of a US bank. If you want more than several thousand dollars, just call or visit the branch a few days ahead and let them know what you will need. The branch manager can then order the cash to have for you. If you bank at a large settlement bank with it's own vault services, they can usually hook you up. Otherwise, they just literally won't have the cash on hand.
Let me lead with the fact that those look delicious. The only flaw that I see with your gas attack strategy is that you will also be affected. Take a hammock along, just in case you must flee the cabin.
Incorrect, they have the cash on hand. By law, they are required to have reserves varying between 8-10% of total deposits. If a bank has 100 million in deposits, they are required to have 8-10 million on hand. They make you jump through hoops because every day they have your money, they make more money. It is a scam. It always has been, and we believe the justification that 'oh we don't actually have 20K on hand' despite the fact that it is illegal and ludicrous.
I worked at a local mom-and-pop bank as a teller when I was in high school. The bank had, I think, three branches. I worked at the smallest one. We never had less than a couple hundred grand in cash on hand. Each teller drawer probably has around 10k in it. They were full on bullshitting you.
That's sort of true, but not factually accurate from a daily operations standpoint. I worked for a large regional bank in the midwest and while it's true that the bank is required to have 8-10% of total deposits in cash reserves, those reserves aren't immediately available at every branch. They're kept in a centralized vault located somewhere within the region. The way it usually works is each branch is given a cash shipment once or twice a week depending on traffic and average rates of cash flow. So if you're a branch in the middle of nowheresville, your weekly cash reserve is going to be much lower than what a branch in the middle of a busy urban area is. Like @Improper said, if you know you will need a large amount of cash ahead of time, you can call the branch to let them know and they can request an additional shipment from the vault. But by no means are they required to have the cash immediately available to you at every branch.
I spent last night at a charity event watching out-of-shape cops dance topless with women's handbags. It was entertaining to watch 60 year old ladies have a thrill, but I was not thrilled. Now I kinda want to go to LeBears or something just to wash the taste out of my mouth. Or eyes. Whatever. Maybe I could just watch Magic Mike instead.
What the shit, TiB? The girl asked for hot pics in her inbox for her birthday, and you losers failed to send her enough eye candy that she's resorted to longing for Magic Mike to cleanse her palette, instead of falling back to her recently downloaded stash? I am disappoint. ^this is fucking hilarious.
I saw a bottle of Flor de CaƱa at the liquor store yesterday and decided to buy it for no reason other than the fact that @Currer Bell is always gushing about it. I'm not really a rum guy, but it gets the job done.
Speaking of Cheap Trick, a couple weeks ago the Want You to Want Me song came on the radio and for the first time I paid attention to the lyrics. They were really very poignant and didn't seem to fit in with the boppy beat. I did a search on youtube for a cover of the song that would be much slower. This was the one I liked the most, kind of love it in fact:
My parents are remodeling their kitchen and my dad asked me to move all of my mom's cookbooks - I haven't finished yet and the count is at 150. The sad part is that she doesn't cook much anymore but she insists on buying more cookbooks. She did ask me to pull out all of the diet, low anything ones and get rid of them. She said, "if I'm going to cook, it's not going to be some crap." Bless her heart.
I love Cheap Trick - especially the 'At Budokan' Album. The version you posted is fantastic, and a great treatment of that song. Then again, when you can transpose a song in that fashion and it sounds good, it usually indicates that the original was extremely well written.
Dear dude from the warehouse, I'm pretty sure what you meant to say was "Oh, she had Legionnaire's disease, causing her to vomit for basically an entire month to the point where she was hospitalized and they were worried she was going to die? How amazing is it that she managed to survive, despite losing 40 pounds in the last few months. Thank goodness she's okay.", not "Dem white women love losing dat weight. I like me a bitch wid ass, doh. She no got no ass, she no got my D." Classy, man. Classy.
Every time I go camping a hispanic family rolls up to the spot next to mine at 11:30 PM and sets up their tent, being loud as hell.
Have you guys met TriggyPuff yet? This is TriggyPuff: Spoiler ...and yet another internet legend was born.