This is because after you eat chick-fil-a your body can't possibly be any more satisfied and so it has to reboot.
I can only eat the chicken nuggets at McDonalds and other fast food chains. Any of the burgers are a sure laxative for me, a sure laxative and a unpredictable one. Really sucks to be driving in the car then in an instant wanting to shit your pants.
The secret to Chik-Fil-A sandwiches, and the secret to life, is making your own goddamn pickles. The closest thing to a miracle happens when homemade mayo, homemade pickles, and sriracha have sex on your sandwich. Like with most things, once you do it yourself, you wonder why you ever bought the pre-packaged stuff. Same goes for mayo. It is a completely different substance than the gelatinous, weird smelling yuck in the jar. It's similar to a butter texture, but lighter. By the way, this is a fried lobster BLT with keylime aioli from The Six Toed Cat Cafe in Key West. Commence fucking.
I know people will disagree with me on this, but it has to be said, mayo is fucking disgusting. Its one of those things where if its left on a piece of food I ordered I will not touch it.
Mass produced mayo is disgusting. Aoili is everything that's supposed to mayonnaise and then some- rich, velvety, and not bleached white.
My best friend used to be obsessed with it. He drowned everything he ate in mayo. Huge globs on every bite. He once went to Costco to buy one of those 5 gallon jugs of that generic mess that smelled like a bucket of egg farts. He plowed through it in about 2 weeks partly by eating it right out of the jug with a spoon. Gallons. Of mayonnaise.
Key Lime Aoili just got me semi-torqued. Key Lime anything really. I mean, hot damn. Also, Southern folks, I've had probably 25 different Key Lime pies, my foodie Uncle probably closer to 100, and we both put Publix Key Lime pie in our top 3 easy, if not #1 for me. Can I get an amen? Made chicken thighs marinated in a chimichurri of sorts that my buddy introduced me to. Basically olive oil, salt, pepper, garlic, lime juice, and a healthy handful of cilantro. All sorts of fuck yes. Chicken thighs are just heavenly.
My wife -- 11 weeks out -- just had her 3D sonogram. I'll be the first one to call an ugly baby ugly; in fact, I'll be the first one to say I have an ugly child, but this kid is somehow damn cute. Fortunately, he looks nothing like me (has some of my mother's physical characteristics and a lot of my wife's). If he looked something like me, in some weird way, I'd feel bad, because I look exactly like my father who sexually abused me and I don't wanna pass that along to my son... And he doesn't have any of those features, except for maybe my chin. I'll take that. He can have my personality with guns and woodworking and welding too. Regardless, he's a healthy child, he's beautiful, and damn fucking sure he's mine. I'll drink to that. (Pics of him I'll send by PM request.)
Someone better put the entire city of Toronto on suicide watch. Their beloved Leafs collapse is complete.
I almost threw up just reading this. Is this the same disgusting friend you've told us stories about?
Last week's Soup showed a clip of Honey Boo Boo dumping a bunch of mayo in the bathtub and she and her sister were playing in it. Obviously a bullshit stunt suggested by the show producers. It is so stupid and contrived that I can't be bothered to be disgusted by it. There are some things that I'm all "once I've gone homemade I can't go back to mass produced" but mayo isn't one of them. I love mayo and it is super delicious (even the non-mayo Miracle Whip) and one of my favorite comfort foods is a cheese and mayo sandwich with a glass of milk. Which I can't have right now because I do not have any bread goddamnit.
That would no longer be my friend, despite of how good or bad a person they are. Absolutely disgusting. If there's on condiment that should un-exist it's THAT demon cum. The mere thought of it makes my stomach churn.
What is it with people and condiment hate? Most people reserve this kind of vitriol for the Westboro Baptist Church. It's like people that dislike pickles. You can't take them off your sandwich. Don't even put them on the plate. The sandwich is forever contaminated like someone poured mercury on top of it.
I don't tend to be into gobs of mayo (prefer a nice neat layer that goes all the way to the edge when I'm making it), it is supposed to be a complement, not the star. But there is one exception - the McChicken sandwich. It seems to be company protocol to put a big splort of it on there and I am cool with it because they use shredded lettuce and the glob of mayo acts as a nice glue to keep most of it in there. Speaking of which....*switching to Seinfeld impression* What's the deal with shredded lettuce on sandwiches? Sandwiches are meant to be portable, but if it has shredded lettuce you're walking around raining lettuce all over the place. Come to think of it, if Hansel and Gretel had left a trail of shredded lettuce they would never have gotten lost. The birds wouldn't have touched it. Maybe that's why restaurants use shredded lettuce, in case of this exact circumstance. They're doing it for the children.